Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Summary of Recommended Legislative Changes Contained in the Analysis of the 1984-85 Budget Bill

One potpntial reason for the discrepancy between thP nSS And the COUntieS is that COUntieS !11BV USP less of their total OCSS funding to pay for child welfare services than the rlepartmPnt's E'Stimatr itnplies they sh0uld be using. -53-

[PDF] "Majority Rule, Majority Rights Initiative"

Counties would be primarily responsible for implementing these new procedures. While it is difficult to estimate the additional costs for counties to adapt their voting systems to the new procedures, these one-time costs could total in the low tens of millions of dollars statewide.

[PDF] "Voter Choice Open Primary Act"

For every primary election, each county prepares a partisan ballot (and related materials) for each political party and a nonpartisan ballot for voters who have not identified a political party affiliation.

[PDF] California Counties

• How successful are county crime prevention and early interven- tion programs at reducing future criminality, particularly among juveniles? • How accurate are the crime data that the county reports to state Department of Justice (this could be determined through a regular audit process)?

[PDF] Penalty Assessments: A Review of Their Use as a Financing Mechanism

Penal Code 1465 $1 8 Available only to specified counties. Most counties may collect $1. Provisions 01 Ch 1082187 which allowed specnled counties to collect assessments for county construction funds at the $2 rate were chaptered out In error by Ch 1239/87.

[PDF] Remarks to the Orange County Chamber of Commerce

Remarks to the Orange County Chamber of Commerce REMARKS TO THE ORANGE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE APRIL 3, 1984

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Food Stamps Program

Governor's Realignment Proposal Would Shift CFAP Costs to Counties. As part of the budget's realignment proposal, the Governor proposes to shift the entire CFAP costs to the counties effective July 1, 2003.

prohibit the imposition of the death penalty as the penalty for any crime punished by the state

County Jail Costs. Persons held for trial on murder charges, particularly cases that could result in a death sentence, ordinarily remain in custody in county jail until the completion of their trial and sentencing.

2000 Budget Analysis: CJ Mentally Ill

County Aftercare Uncertain. The new Transitional Case Management Program generally will provide services to mentally ill parolees for up to 90 days, at which time their continued long-term treatment is to be provided with the assistance of county social workers.

[PDF] Older Youth Access to Foster Care

DSS develops program and fiscal policies for CWS, provides technical assistance and training to counties, receives federal CWS funding and distributes these funds to the counties, monitors county CWS program performance, and collaborates with counties to establish program improvement goals.