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California Spending Plan, Chapter 2

Background The VLF is an annual fee on the ownership of a registered vehicle in California, levied in place of taxing vehicles as personal property. The fee rate is 2 percent of a vehicle's c urrent estimated value--calculated from the current owner's depreciated purchase price.

Recommended Legislation: General Government

LAO Contact Gerald Beavers or Megan Atkinson: 322-8402 Redevelopment Submit Plans to State Attorney General Recommendation Require cities and counties to submit proposed redevelopment plans to the state Attorney General for a finding of consistency with state law.


Legislative Analyst’s Office CONTENTS Education Provide Faster Equalization of K-12 School Funding .................... 1 Eliminate Costly and Inappropriate Placement of Students In County Community Schools ................................................. 2 Phase Out K-12 Basic Aid............................................................. 3 Consolidate K-12 Categorical Funding Into Block

1998 Cal Facts California's Demographics

California's Twenty Largest Cities Population as of January 1, 1998 1 156,000 One-third of all Californians live in the state's twenty largest cities. Eleven of these cities are located in Southern California, while another five are located in the Central Valley.

Chapter 4: Expenditure Projections

These costs are partially offset by savings from federal legislation that continued eligibility for certain noncitizens who would otherwis e have been transferred to the "state-only " program for SSI/SSP.

[PDF] An LAO Shifting Gears: Rethinking Property Tax Shift Relief

Cities and counties receive a greater share of revenues from tickets issued for moving traffic violations. Funds may be used for general purposes. Relief probably exceeds $62 million annually. Property Tax Administration Loan Program.

California and the Census2000

California and the Census2000 a Defined as cities with populations in excess of 100,000 as of 1990. Regional Experience The 1990 census undercount experience in the state's five broad geographic regions was as follows: Southern California .

[PDF] An LAO Higher Education “Compacts”: An Assessment

It also recom- mends operational guidelines for eligibility pools, transfer policy, enrollment planning, facility utilization, financial aid, and other policy areas. The Master Plan has provided enduring policy goals and guidelines that the Legislature and the Governor have sought to fund to the extent possible within available resources.

California Spending Plan 1999-00 Chapter 1

In addition, it includes: $150 million for one-time general purpose lo cal relief, $50 million to cities to offset booking fee payments made to counties, and a $18 million augmentation for public libraries.