Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

A total of 44 positions were transferred from the existing units to the new organization and, in addition, 10 new positions were established. Table 2 shows the rapid growth in the costs of data processing which has accompanied the organization of the Data Procession Section.

[PDF] The budget requests $196,000 from the General Fund for

The budget requests $196,000 from the General Fund for transfer to the Substandard Housing program in 1990-91, a decrease of 29 percent from the current year. The requested amount, however, is based on prelimi- nary estimates by the Department of Finance of the amount of revenue from disallowed tax deductions that was collected in 1988-89.

[PDF] The Director indicated that the savings would not be reverted to

The Director indicated that the savings would not be reverted to the General Fund, however, but transferred for the implementation of Chapter 1417, the methamphetamine enforce- ment program, as part of a $3 million permanent transfer consistent with his understanding of Chapter 1417.


This fund should be placed directly under the control of the Director of Agriculture, subject to the approval by the Director of Finance, of all expenditures therefrom, and should be reimbursed ann~lally by transfer by the Controller of a sum sufficient to restore the fund to the original sum.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Public Health

The administ rative and programmatic responsibility for the programs, as well as $730,000 from the General Fund and $9.1  million in federal funds, would be transferred from OCJP to the DHS Domestic Violence Shelter Program.

Health and Social Services Departmental Issues

This title reduces Food Stamp benefits, places limitations on the receipt of Food Stamps for most able-bodied recipients who have no children, and modifies regulations concerning electronic benefit transfer programs.

[PDF] The 2015-16 Budget: California Community Colleges

Governor’s Budget: Basic Skills 8L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E April 5, 2016  Basic Skills Initiative Has Had Limited Impact on Systemwide Outcomes  Modest Increases in Transition to Transferable Courses  Wide Variation Across Colleges.

[PDF] The 2024-25 Budget: Medi-Cal Analysis

Under current law, any unspent funds would transfer to the Department of Health Care Access and Information for workforce initiatives. The administration instead proposes to revert the unspent funds, which total $15 million.

[PDF] Some of these felony ISTs could still end up on the waitlist,

Some of these felony ISTs could still end up on the waitlist, waiting in county jails for transfer to DSH for treatment. • Whether Counties Would Have Funds Available to Reduce Rate of Felony IST Referrals Is Unclear.

[PDF] Fiscal Outlook Lao Projection 2004-05 Through 2009-10

This transfer roughly offsets the growth of local property taxes for schools in this year. California’s Fiscal Outlook Legislative Analyst’s Office 31 adopted. The increase in the minimum guarantee is the net effect of two main factors—additional Gen- eral Fund revenues and lower K-12 attendance.