Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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"Remodeling" the Drug Medi-Cal Program

This pool of funding could be provided under a realignment approach, in which the state could earmark a portion of existing or new state revenues and authorize by statute the automatic and ongoing transfer of these monies to the counties.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Overview of the Spending Plan

Figure 3 General Fund Revenue Estimates (Dollars in Millions) Revised Enacted 2023-24 Change From 2022-23 2021-22 2022-23 Amount Percent Personal income tax $137,144 $122,769 $118,161 -$4,608 -4% Sales and use tax 33,026 33,072 33,366 293 1 Corporation tax 45,128 42,091 42,081 -11 — Total, Major Revenue Sources $215,299 $197,932 $193,607 -$4,325 -2% Insurance tax $3,495 $3,673 $3,881 $208 6%

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Assessing the Governor’s 1991 Realignment Proposals

The 1991 realignment package: (1) transferred several programs and responsibilities from the state to counties, (2) changed the way state and county costs are shared for certain social services programs, (3) transferred health and mental health service responsibilities and costs to the counties, and (4) increased the sales tax and VLF and dedicated these increased revenues to the new financial obligations of counties for realigned programs and responsibilities.

[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: The 2011 Realignment of Adult Offenders—An Update

Counties would also be provided fiscal flexibility to transfer some of the funding—equal to an amount of up to 10 percent of the smaller of the two subaccounts—between these two particular subaccounts.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: K-12 Education Chapter

In addition, $38 million in federal block grant funds were transferred to the Department of Social Services (DSS) in 1991-92. Only $10 million of these funds have been spent. The funds were transferred to the DSS to pay for child care expenses of adults collecting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) who worked or were participating in education or training.

An Analysis of New Cal Grant Eligibility Rules

The state ’s main Cal Grant program guarantees financial aid awards to recent high school graduates and community college transfer students who meet financial, academic, and other eligibility criteria.

[PDF] Assessing Community College Programs at State Prisons

Pass transfer-level math and English in first year. Transfer to a four-year university. Earn a regional living wage. Figure 8 CCC Funding Model Includes a Performance Component Based on Certain Student Outcomes L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E A N L A O R E P O R T 14 Model Left Unchanged How Colleges Are Funded for Incarcerated Students.

[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 1994 Budget Act 1994-95 Fiscal Year

The budget provides $98,000 for preliminary plans ($78,000), CEQA compliance ($10,000), and distributed labor ($10,000) for a replacement Forest Fire Station on anew site belonging to the Westside Fire Protection District (WSFPD) for use as a combination CDF and WSFPD Fire Station east of the city of Coalinga in Fresno County.

December 1995 California Update

For instanc e, state transportation funds have been transferred to the General Fund for general purposes. Additionally, transportation funds, rather than the General Fund, were used to pay the debt service on rail bonds.

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Public Works

Accmnulated surpluses in the fund, as of JUly 1, 1956, are estimated at approximately $2,200,000, of which it is proposed to transfer to the - 483- Public Works Division of Architecture-Continued General Fund approximately $1,450,000, leaving a starting balance of $750,000.