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LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Education, Intersegmental: Enrollment Growth

For example, price-sensitive students may choose to avoid the higher cost at UC and CSU by completing their lower-division coursework at CCC an d then transferring to a four-year institution in their junior year.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Board of Equalization (0860)

While the agenc y receives about 60  percent of total SUT payments through electronic funds transfer, in terms of the volume of remittances, the proportion is a fairly small share of the total. In addition, electroni c tax filings (or submissions that can be scanned and converted to digital form) represent a small share of total tax returns.

[PDF] First-Time Freshman Eligibility for California Public Higher Education

. • The California State University (CSU) to draw from the top one-third (33.3 percent) of public high school graduates and to accept all qualified community college transfer students. • The University of California (UC) to draw from the top one-eighth (12.5 percent) of public high school graduates and to accept all qualified community college students. !

[PDF] Overview of Governor’s Child Care and Preschool Proposals

.  Would allow for possibility of midyear transfer of some funding and responsibilities from the California Department of Education to DSS and CWDs in 2012-13. May Revision Refi nes Child Care Restructuring Proposal 5L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 21, 2012 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Provides Additional $90 Million Compared to January Level  Restores SRR

[PDF] Funding Flood Control

Under the executive order, the Governor transferred approximately $100 million from the Disaster Response Account to DWR. The department is working with the Corps to complete repairs to the critical erosion sites by the fall of 2006.

[PDF] Review of State Waste to Energy Programs

Ethanol Fuel Loan Program Chapter 803, Statutes of 1980, created the Ethanol Fuel Revolving Account (EFRA) and transferred $?.million to it from the $10 million appropriated for development of alternative fuels by SR 620.

[PDF] Overview of the Senate 2020-21 Budget Package

Text Margins Left align medium figures and tables here Large figure margin Large figure margin L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 5 (Continued) Comparing Packages Without Federal Assistance Cost Shifts in May Revision and Senate Package (In Billions, Assumes No Additional Federal Funding) Governor Senate Difference Special fund loans and transfers $2.4 $3.5 $1.1

[PDF] Potential Impacts of Recent State Asset Forfetiure Changes

Federal law includes additional restrictions, such as prohibiting transfers of monies to other law enforcement agencies. SB 443 MADE CHANGES TO ASSET FORFEITURE Senate Bill 443, which became effective in January 2017, made several changes to the state’s asset forfeiture processes related to drugs.

[PDF] Budget Flexibility and Restrictions

November 2006 Proposition 1A Restricts the circumstances in which the Legislature could suspend the Proposition 42 transfer for transportation. 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E August 18, 2009  The acceptance of federal stimulus dollars by the state helped provide billions of dollars in General Fund budget solutions this year.  However, the funds also came with a number of strings attached.

[PDF] Update California: Economic and Budget Developments

. -17.0 49.7 Nondeposit credit -13.4 41.0 Legal services -9.5 53.6 Computers -6.4 46.9 Insurance agents -5.0 40.9 Insurance carriers -4.6 42.2 Printing/publishing -4.2 33.1 Electric/gas/sanitation -3.7 49.0 Industries with Largest Job Gains June 1993 Th June 1995 (In Thousands) Job Average Gains Annual Business services 113.6 $26.1 Special trades 28.9 29.5 Eating/drinking 25.6 10.3 Wholesale