Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Major users of postalserv- ices for which specific estimates of

Major users of postalserv- ices for which specific estimates of the impact of the cost increase were made include the Department of Health ($367,000), the Franchise Tax Board ($400,000), the State Controller ($353,000) and the University ,of California ($466,000).

[PDF] Oil Extraction Fee to Rescue Education

Additionally, property owners in California pay local property taxes on the value of both oil extraction equipment (such as drills and pipelines) as well as the value of any recoverable oil in the ground.

[PDF] Overview of College Savings Accounts

Kevin McCarty, Chair P R E S E N T E D T O : L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E Overview of College Savings Accounts M A R C H 2 6 , 2 0 1 9 L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 1 College Savings Accounts in the National Context  Federal Law Authorizes College Savings Accounts That Have Tax Benefi ts  Enacted in 1996, Section 529 of the Internal

[PDF] K-12 Education Funding—Ten-Year History

The largest percentage increase has been in local property tax levies. The shift of$1.2 billion in property tax revenues to K-12 school districts from other local government entities, approved in legislation related to the 1992 Budget Act, contributed signifi- cantly to the sizeof this increase.

The 2020-21 Budget: Transportation

Feb 10, 2020 - Additionally, DMV licenses and regulates vehicle ‑related businesses (such as automobile dealers and driver training schools), and collects certain fees and taxes for state and local agencies. As of January 2020, there were 27. 3  m illion licensed drivers and 35. 8  m illion registered vehicles in the state.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mecha nism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

[PDF] Medical marijuana.

State and local governments currently collect sales tax on medical marijuana. A small number of cities also impose a supplemental tax on medical marijuana sales. We estimate that the total amount of state and local revenue collected statewide from the above taxes likely is in the high tens of millions of dollars annually.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mecha nism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

Smaller Classes, Safer Schools and Financial Accountability Act

Background The Constitution currently limits property taxes to 1  percent of the value of the property. The taxes may exceed this limit to pay for (1) any local debt approved by the voters prior to July 1, 1978, or (2) bonds to buy or improve re al property that receive two-thirds voter approval after July 1, 1978.

LAO Analysis of the 1999-00 Budget Bill, Transportation Overview

In order to partially address the transit funding shortfall, we recommend enactment of a constitutional amendment to permit expenditure of gas tax revenues fro transit rolling sto ck (see page A-24).