Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The 2001-02 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

This is a result of recent legislation that transferred responsibility for court operations and personnel systems from counties to the state. One issue which the Governor’s budget does not address is whether and under what circumstances responsibility for court facilities also should be transferred to the state.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 2

This increase would represent a $15 billion transfer of wealth from California households, businesses, and government to electricity generators and their suppliers. A transfer of this size would have a significant impact on the amount of discretionary income available for household spending on other goods and services in the economy.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I; Part 4b

This is a result of recent legislation that transferred responsibility for cour t operations and personnel systems from counties to the state. One issue which the Governor's budget does not address is whether and under what circumstances responsibility for cou rt facilities also should be transferred to the state.

2001 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 5a

Transfer Provisions Although funds are deposited into the three separate accounts in each county, the realignment statute allows for transfers of dollars among these accounts in certain circumstances.

2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Parks and Recreation (3790)

Current law provides for the department to administer local assistance grants, as approved by the (OHV) Recreation Commission, ". . . to cities, counties, and appropriate districts . . ." for development and operation of facilities for the use of OHVs.

[PDF] LAO 2001 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay Chapter

. • The DGS indicates that a land exchange agreement is being de- veloped with the City of Los Angeles that would exchange exist- ing Caltrans facilities for land which the city is purchasing on 1st Street.

2001 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges (6870)

The act requires CCC to develop specific and measura ble goals to improve student success, including rates of transfer, degrees and certificates completed, successful course completion, work force development, and basic skills improv ement.

2001 Budget Analysis: Dept Consumer Affairs (1110-1600)

The SIP divides California into three types of program areas based on air qualityenhanced, basic, and change of ownership. The smog test required varies by area. In the enhanced areas vehicles are tested on a dynamometer.

2001 Budget Analysis: Local Government Financing (9210)

Three programs provide specified local governments with special funding: (1) qualifying redevelopment agencies for revenues lost as a result of the repeal of the business inventory exemption in 1984 ($1.2 million), (2) counties with no incorporated cities on the basis that they are not eligible to receive the city portions of the gas tax and vehicle license fee

2001 Budget Analysis:Food Stamps Program

Electronic Benefits Transfer Delays May Result in Federal Penalty We recommend that the Department of Social Services report at budget hearings on the potential federal penalties if the state is unable to implement the food stamp Electronic Benef its Transfer system by October 2002.