Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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Fish and Game - 334- DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME ITEM 190 of the Budget Bill Budget page 676 Budget line No. 76 For Support of Game Management in Cooperation With the Federal Govern- ment as Provided by the Pittman-Robertson Act From the Fish and Game Preservation Fund Amount requested ---------------------------------------T---- $387,500 Estimated to be expended in 1952-53 Fiscal

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

Consequently, we believe that two important considerations should be studied; first, the establishment of goals insofar as acquisition of beach and park properties is concerned for a period of possibly the next 25 years, and secondly, the possibility of more nearly approaching a self-sustaining condition of the Division of Beaches and Parks without depending upon the tidelands oil royalties money.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and Vocational Standards

Unexpended surplus in the Professional Engineers' Fund is estimated to be $641,403 at the end of the 1953-54 Fiscal Year. Revenues are exceed- ing expenditures. We recommend approval of the budget as submitted.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: HORSE RACING BOARD

During the Fiscal Year 1952-53, the budget was based upon an estimated 472 days of racing. This figure is now revised downward to an estimated 418 racing days. Total state revenue from horse racing is estimated to be $22,221,314 for the Fiscal Year 1953-54.


It has been pointed out that more deaths occur in the first month of life than in the next 20 years. At the present time prematurity is the most important fa:ctor in these deaths. Prematurity is also the cause of a special type of blindness which is the largest single cause of admissions to the State School for the Blind.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Works

The amount requested for the Fiscal Year 1953-54 is $15,000 less than the amount estimated to be expended in the current fiscal year. Funds are expended on a matching basis with the Federal Government.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: COLORADO RIVER BOARD

On June 4, 1952, the board unanimously adopted a motion recommending that the contract _ for the services of the special representative be amended to specify a per diem of $150 instead of $100, an increase of 50 percent, and that the compensation should not aggregate over $2,250 per quarter or total more than $9,000 per year.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: EMERGENCY FUND

In addition to the amount requested for additional increases in the 1953-54 Fiscal Year, there is requested an amount determined as necessary to project increases granted in the current year, and which are not reflected in the detail of the respective agency budgets.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

The school now has a newly constructed field house and exercise room building. 2. Berkeley, School for the Deaf, does not have tennis facilities. 3. Very rarely does even a high school have more than one court per 300 students. 4.

[PDF] 1953 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

This amount covers that part of antici- pated payment allowances not provided for by member contributions made for services since 1944 or by current contributions of school dis- tricts and other employing agencies.