Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Trial Court Fundings Issues

Status Check-Local Sales Taxes-What Role Can They Play in the 1993-94 State Budget? (June 1993). Focus-Budget 1993 (July 1993). Performance Budgeting-Reshaping the State's Budget Process (October 25, 1993).

Overview of the 1995-96 May Revision

As shown in Figure 3: Sales and use taxes are down $407 million. Remaining revenues are up $343 million, including bank and corporation taxes (up $295 million). Reasonableness of the Revenue Forecast.

Calif.'s Fiscal Outlook

These increases result from two changes--the end of temporary savings and cost deferrals for the state's employee retirement contributions, and th e restoration of the renters' tax credit, starting in the 1996 tax year.

The low rate of state spending growth for K-12 education

The low rate of state spending growth for K-12 education reflects budget actions that increased school's share of local property taxes in order to reduce state school funding requi red under Proposition 98.

State Spending Plan for 1996-97 - Chapter 3, Part I

Almost all of this increase is from the state General Fund because local property taxes are projected to increase only slightly in 1996-97. Proposition  98 funding for K-12 schools totals $25.9  billion.


Economic and Revenue Developments ❖❖❖❖❖ Sales tax payments were up $54 mil- lion during July. ❖❖❖❖❖ Corporation tax receipts were up $32 million for the month. August is projected to be a mid-sized month as regards revenue receipts, with $3.2 billion expected.

[PDF] Policy Brief ERAF and the 1997-98 State Budget

Counties should be autho- rized to include any reporting costs as part of central property tax admin- istration. (Property tax administration costs are paid on a proportionate basis by all property tax receiving governments, except schools and community colleges.)

Why County Revenues Vary: State Laws and Local Conditions Affecting County Finance

These additional sources include: utility users taxes, hotel taxes, and business taxes (taxes that counties may levy only in their unincorporated areas); payments from redevelopment agencies; and interest earnings.

[PDF] California Spending Plan 1998-99

These bills—subsequently vetoed by the Governor—provided that the grant program would be- come inoperative if the air quality tax credit initiative (Proposition 7) is approved by the voters this November.

Child Support Enforcement: Implementing the Legislative Reforms of 1999

Finally, the legislation provides that if a debtor has both a child support delinquency and a personal income tax delinquency, the FTB is to collect the child support delinquency first. Statewide Automation System.