Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Update on Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics

The study also estimates an increase in state and local tax revenue throughout California of around $700 million, as well as increases in federal tax revenue. Offsetting Economic Reductions. The 1984 Olympics caused a significant, short-term reduction in overall visitation to Los Angeles.

[PDF] 1949 Budget Analysis: INDEX

. _________________ 310M General Fund Expenditures Exceed Income froril Present Taxes (Letter of Transmittal) __________________ :... ______ ----------_,------------ xv Gift, and Inheritance, Tax Division (Controller) _______ c..._~ __ , ________________ 217 Girls, Schools for: Los Guilucos ______________________________________________________ 130 Ventura

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Hygiene

In addition, the committee suggested that the cost of financing con- tinued study in this field "would best be met by legislative allocation of a :percentage of the excise taxes derived from the production and sale of the alcoholic products."

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

The nature of the original emergency in 1943 under which the act was put into effect is indicated in the declaration of policy in that act, which stated as follows: "The policy of the Legislature in enacting this chapter is to pro- vide a means for meeting an emergency,existing in certain commu- nities in this State, created by the employment of women with chil- dren in industry as a direct

[PDF] 1956 Budget Analysis: Index

~~~~f::t;~~~~~~~============================================;=== :~~ Pacific Marine Fisheries _______________________________________________ 439 Poultry Improvement ------------------.:.--_________________________ -46, 614 Public Utilities _________________________________________________ ~ _____ 582 Recreation __________________________________________________________ 591 San Francisco Bay ~rea

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: The Governor's Tax Proposal

Absent these high brackets, the distribution of the tax reduction between the PIT and the B &C tax would be similar to their tax shares in recent years.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: How Will the Economy Be Affected?

These options wo uld also redistribute the tax burden. In both cases, revenues would decline and the progressivity of California's overall tax structure would change. Broadening the tax base in order to lower tax rates also could be considered, such as a value- added tax (VAT) or a similar consumption-based tax.

1996-97 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Major Issues Facing the Legislature

Earned Income Tax Credit. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) provides a tax credit to working families with low or moderate incomes. The credit is refundable, so that qualifying families receive the full amount of the credit even if it exceeds their tax liability.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, Criminal Justice Departmental Issues, Part 3

Other than the judicial branch, the only other General Fund departments with MSAs proposed in the budget are the Franchise Tax Board and the Board of Equalization (which are considered General Fund revenue-generating departments), and the Department of Corrections.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 2

The Controller is also a member of various boards and commissions, including the Board of Equalization, the Franchise Tax Board, the Board of Control, the Commission on State Mandates, the State Lands Commission, the Pooled Money Investment Board, and assorted bond finance committees.