Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The Control, Regulate and Tax Marijuana Act

The measure states that the Legislature could not change the 25 percent supplemental sales tax rate or authorize any additional taxes on marijuana until 2022. All revenue from the supplemental sales tax would be deposited in a new special fund, the Marijuana Tax Fund.

[PDF] Taxes to fund public schools and colleges.

The vast majority of taxes used for the public education system comes from the state General Fund (revenues of which come primarily from personal income, but also sales taxes and other revenues) and local property taxes.

[PDF] Overview of California Community Colleges (CCC) Conference Issues

May 2017 Page 2 CCC Proposition 98 Funding by Source (In Millions) 2015-16 General Fund $5,384 $5,384 $5,384 — Local property tax 2,631 2,631 2,631 — Totals $8,016 $8,016 $8,016 — 2016-17 General Fund $5,489 $5,489 $5,489 — Local property tax 2,753 2,753 2,753 — Totals $8,242 $8,242 $8,242 — 2017-18 General Fund $5,674 $5,617 $5,674 -$57 Local property

[PDF] Tax Relief Provisions Included in the 2009 Federal Stimulus Legislation

Tax Relief Provisions Included in the 2009 Federal Stimulus Legislation L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 23, 2009 Tax Relief Provisions Included in the 2009 Federal Stimulus Legislation Provision Description National Totala Personal Income Tax “Making work pay” credit Creates a new credit of up to $800 in 2009 and 2010

[PDF] Authorizing Online Poker In California: Issues For Consideration

4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E June 24, 2015 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  State Tax Revenues  Providers and players of online poker would be subject to existing corporate and income tax requirements.  The Legislature could choose to establish additional taxes on online poker.

[PDF] Financial Aid Overview

Need-Based Gift Aid Federal Pell Grants and supplemental opportunity grants $2.8 Institutional grants and waivers 2.2 State Cal Grants 1.5 Federal and institutional work-study 0.1 Subtotal $6.4 Other Gift Aid and Work-Study Scholarships and fellowships $0.7 Federal tax deductions and credits $1.3 Loans Subsidized federal student loans $1.3 Unsubsidized federal student/parent

[PDF] Risks to Federal Health Care Funding

Citizens and legal residents with incomes between 100 percent (or 138 percent for states opting in to the ACA optional Medicaid expansion) and 400 percent of FPL and for whom alternative forms of affordable health insurance coverage are not available are eligible for federal tax credits and cost-sharing reductions to help pay for health coverage through the Health Benefi t Exchanges.  Impact on California.

[PDF] Initiative Statute: Authorizes Bonds Funding Construction at Hospitals Providing Children’s Health Care.

.  Their repayment is guaranteed by the state’s general taxing power.  The state repays GO bonds using General Fund dollars.  GO bonds must be approved by a majority of voters.  Previous Children’s Hospital Bond Measures  Proposition 61 (2004) provided $750 million in GO bond funding for capital projects at the 13 children’s hospitals.  Proposition 3 (2008) provided an

[PDF] 2004-05 Budget Overview: Resources and Environmental Protection

Suspension of the Natural Heritage Preservation Tax Credit, for an estimated General Fund savings of $8.7 million in the current year and $10.3 million in the budget year. Resources Agency— Proposed Expenditures (Continued) LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE 4L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 18, 2004 Significant proposed augmentations include: $10 million in the

[PDF] Implementation of the Green Chemistry Initiative

This account is primar- ily funded through a tax on essentially all businesses with more than 15 employees in the state, commonly referred to as the “environmental fee.”  Funding Green Chemistry Through TSCA May Require an Increase in the Environmental Fee.