Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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California Internet Petition Act

Summary of Fiscal Effects This measure could result in significant costs for the state and for county governments on a statewide basis, potentially amounting to several million dollars per election.

[PDF] The Election Reform Act

The Secretary of State has estimated that the cost of holding an extra statewide election every fourth year would be at least $45 million—about $7.5 million for state election activities and $37.5 million for county election activities.

The Election Reform Act of 2000

We are advised by the Secreta ry of State that moving the statewide primary date from March to June could result in relatively minor state and county government savings on the costs of conducting elections.

People's Gaming Act

After 28 years, the Legislature could either allow these 13 sites to continue the gambling activities or extend Las Vegas- and Atlantic City-type gambling to all cities, counties, and Indian reservations in Cali fornia or eliminate the authority to conduct this type of gambling in California.

The CalFed-Home Water Agency Act #21336

Unknown impact on future local government property tax revenues.

California Welfare Reform Act of 2002

This requirement would result in unknown costs to counties for conducting studies on the effects of social services on childless individuals. State Income Taxes.  This provision would result in unknown costs associated with claims filed against the state by rental property owners.

[PDF] Use of revenues from state sales tax on gasoline and the sale and lease of motor vehicles for transportation purposes

Fiscal Effect The measure would transfer certain state sales tax revenues from the General Fund to transportation-related purposes in two phases. Beginning in 2002-03, the measure would redirect the state sales tax revenues from the sale and lease of motor vehicles to transportation.

[PDF] California Evans Child Protection Act

The alcohol beverage tax is estimated to raise Hon. Bill Lockyer 2 August 24, 2001 $290 million in 2001-02. In addition, the sales tax is levied on the sale of alcoholic bever- ages. The excise tax is included in the tax base on which the sales tax is calculated.

2001 Initiative Analysis: State Grand Jury System

Proposal   This initiative would amend the Constitution of the State of California to establish an independent state grand jury system to investigate specified matters, including issues that cross county lines, and all cases involving the misconduct of law enforcement offici als.

[PDF] Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of new passenger vehicles for transportation purposes

Use of sales tax revenues derived from the lease and sale of new passenger vehicles for transportation purposes SENATE ASSEMBLY DICK ACKERMAN ROY ASHBURN DEDE ALPERT PATRICIA C. BATES JIM BATTIN JACKIE GOLDBERG K.