Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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Supplemental Report of the 2006 Budget Act

Chapter  211 requires the director to base the estimates on the "actual amount " of remaining local sales and use tax transmitted to local governments in the prior year. The Legislature's intent is to replace with property tax revenue the actual amounts that cities and counties would have received, net of administrative and collection costs, from the suspended quarter-cent tax rate during the revenue exchange period.

[PDF] Overview of Governor’s Child Care and Preschool Proposals

Department of Social Services (DSS) would oversee all subsidized child care funding and services.  Makes a Number of Refi nements to 2013-14 Proposal  Specifi es that child care funding for former and non- CalWORKs participants would be maintained in a separate county-level block grant, not part of counties’ single funding allocation for CalWORKs services. 

[PDF] California State Pharmacy Assistance Program (CAL Rx)

Potential Savings on State and County Health Program Costs. The pharmacy assistance program established under this initiative could provide some fiscal benefits to the state and to counties by reducing costs for health programs.

[PDF] 1954 Budget Analysis: Veterans Affairs

Furthermore, we believe that the county service officer prograI)1 is a duplication of services that are or should be offered by the local posts of all the veteran organizations. Section 972 of the Military and Vet- erims Oode provides that the Veterans Welfare Board, out of state moneys available therefore, ((may" pay each county a portion of the cost of

California's Tax System: A Primer [Publication Details]

Apr 9, 2007 - California's Tax System: A Primer [Publication Details] California's Tax System: A Primer Format: HTML Description: What are the different types of taxes upon which California relies? What is their relative importance, and how have they evolved over time?

The 2019-20 Budget: May Revision Multiyear Budget Outlook

May 17, 2019 - This primarily reflects slower projected growth in General Fund revenue and faster growth in local property tax revenue compared to previous outlooks. This slower growth in school spending contributes to the budget ’s better condition.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Improving Long-Term Care

Enrollment in Access Plus Community Choices would be mandatory for SPDs in two counties. CalOPTIMA, the existing Medi-Cal managed care plan for Orange County, would administer an Access Plus Community Choices in that county.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: General Administration

Another factor that should be reviewed in relation to the develop- ment of the new State Fair is the future feasibility of the Sacramento County Fair. This county fair has utilized the premises of the present State Fair for a number of years for its annual fair program, but no provision has been made for accommodating the county fair at the new fair site.

[PDF] An Evaluation of: Racial Profiling Data Collection and Training

The task of collecting and analyzing demographic data from local police agencies is not directly related to the Figure 4 Local Jurisdictions Collecting Race Data, 2001 Participation in CHP Grant Program Adelanto Mill Valley Alameda County Modesto Alturas Morro Bay Amador County Napa County Angels Camp Newark Arcata Novato Banning Oakdale Beaumont

Reforming Categorical Funding for Public Health Programs [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - In addition, we recommend that outcome measures for these programs be developed and that DPH work with counties in using a consolidated contract. Reports by Policy Area