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2011 Initiative Analysis:The Bring Manufacturing Jobs Back to California Act

Lastly, in response to the measure, additional suppliers could enter the domestic market to meet state and local government demand for goods produced in the United States. Each of these responses —Legislative exemptions, a flexible interpretation of the United States manufacturing standard and exemptions under trade agreements, and an increase in

[PDF] Medical marijuana.

Effects on State and Local Revenues. The effect of the measure on state and local revenues would depend on several factors, such as (1) the price and quantity of medical marijuana sold by the state and (2) how the state chose to operate medical marijuana cultivation and distribution facilities.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1)

This is because the state may be able to decrease other state support for education to partially or fully offset the increased state reimbursement requirements. Administrative Costs Increased State Administrative Costs.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2)

This is because the state may be able to decrease other state support for education to partially or fully offset the increased state reimbursement requirements. Administrative Costs Increased State Administrative Costs.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 1), Amendment No. 1-NS

This is because the state may be able to decrease other state support for education to partially or fully offset the increased state reimbursement requirements. Hon. Bill Lockyer 4 January 3, 2002 Administrative Costs Increased State Administrative Costs.

[PDF] Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2), Amendment No. 2-S

This is because the state may be able to decrease other state support for education to partially or fully offset the increased state reimbursement requirements. Administrative Costs Increased State Administrative Costs.

[PDF] Tribal gaming.

The measure could result in various other fiscal impacts on the state and local governments. For example, the state and local governments could experience increased revenues from economic activity generated from individuals from out of state visiting to place sports wagers and spending more in the state as a result.

Overview of the 2004-05 May Revision [Publication Details]

May 17, 2004 - The state's near-term fiscal picture has improved significantly as a result of an improved revenue outlook and the one-time receipt of funds. Despite this improvement, the state's long-term fiscal outlook relative to the January budget plan has worsened. The May Revision plan misses an opportunity to make further progress toward eliminating the state's long-term structural imbalance.

[PDF] Changes in California’s relationship with the United States of America.

The State Constitution provides that the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. U.S. Constitution Does Not Provide for Secession. The U.S. Constitution includes neither a mechanism for a state to secede from the United States nor a provision for a single state to be an autonomous nation within the United States.

[PDF] Initiative Letter

Similarly, federal law generally specifies that no other flag, including any state flag, should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the United States flag. Proposal The measure amends state law to require that, where the national and state flags are both displayed, the state flag be placed in the position of first honor.