Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] . „ Tax Relief and Cash Assistance. Rejects

. „ Tax Relief and Cash Assistance. Rejects Governor’s transportation-related relief proposals and instead provides tax rebates of $200 per taxpayer and dependent for those with incomes below $125,000 ($250,000 for joint filers) and one-time cash assistance to SSI/SSP recipients and CalWORKs families. „ Climate Change.

California's Criminal Justice System: A Primer

In order to implement realignment and achieve improved outcomes at the local level, the Legislature shifted tax revenues to counties. Funding for the realignment of lower-level offenders is estimated to be about $900  million in 2012-13, growing in subsequent years.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Considerations for the Governor’s Housing Plan

Specifically, the Governor proposes (1) providing planning and production grants to local governments, (2) expanding the state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program, (3) establishing a new state housing tax credit program targeting relatively higher-income households, and (4) expanding a loan program for middle-income housing production.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Considerations for Governor’s Proposals to Address Homelessness

Various state entities participate in the administration of these programs, including the Departments of Housing and Community Development, Veterans Affairs, Social Services, and Health Care Services, as well as the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California Housing Finance Agency, and Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Analysis of the Department of Social Services Budget

Second, voters approved Proposition 30 in 2012, which increased state revenue from the personal income tax and sales tax. These additional sources had the effect of limiting, at least to a degree, the magnitude of CalWORKs program reductions that were enacted during the Great Recession.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Using Proposition 56 Funding in Medi-Cal To Improve Access to Quality Care

These concerns led to Proposition 56—which raises state taxes on tobacco products and dedicates the majority of associated revenues to Medi-Cal on an ongoing basis—being put on the statewide ballot in November 2016.

[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: California Spending Plan

The spending plan reauthorizes the MCO tax—for three and one-half years—under a broadly similar structure as the previous tax . As with the previous MCO tax, the reauthorized tax is a tiered, per-member, per month tax on the Medi-Cal and commercial enrollment of MCOs .

[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: The Governor’s Homelessness Plan

Expanded Low-Income Housing Tax Credit. In addition, the 2019-20 budget package increased, by $500 million, the state’s low-income housing tax credit program which provides tax credits to builders of rental housing affordable to low-income households.

[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: The Governor’s Cannabis-Related Proposals

Proposition 64 Imposes Two State Excise Taxes on Cannabis. Like other businesses, cannabis businesses generally must pay broad‑based taxes such as income taxes, payroll taxes, and sales taxes. Additionally, Proposition 64 established two state excise taxes on cannabis.

[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: Criminal Justice Proposals

General Fund spending is proposed to be $16 .2 billion in 2020-21, which Figure 2 Judicial and Criminal Justice Budget Summary (Dollars in Millions) Actual 2018‑19 Change From 2019‑20 Actual Percent Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation $12,597 $13,320 $13,395 $75 0.6% General Funda 12,278 13,014 13,088 75 0.6 Special and other funds 319 306 306 — — Judicial Branchb $3,801 $4,330 $4,367