Results for irish state pension

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Cogeneration [Publication Details]

Nov 9, 1983 - (The joint production of electricity and useful thermal energy.) (1) What risk does the State take in entering into third-party cogeneration projects? (2) What problems might be encountered by the host institution?

Federal Retrenchment and State Management [Publication Details]

Oct 21, 1983 - Federal Retrenchment and State Management [Publication Details] Federal Retrenchment and State Management Format: PDF Description: Transcript of the introduction and observations of a panel discussion led by Legislative Analyst Bill Hamm on federal retrenchment and state management.

Higher Education Tuition and Fees [Publication Details]

Oct 20, 1983 - Statement to the Senate Education Committee on the need for a long-term policy toward University of California and California State University tuition and fees, the criteria that could be used in setting tuition and fees, and the process that should be followed in adjusting tuition and/or fees.

Financing Air Pollution Control [Publication Details]

Oct 1, 1983 - This Report (1) describes the current funding system for state and local air pollution control activities in California, (2) evaluates the system on the basis of three criteria--consistency, efficiency, and stability, and (3) proposes an alternative financing system for legislative consideration.

The Prison Construction Program [Publication Details]

Sep 13, 1983 - The Prison Construction Program [Publication Details] PDF Description: Statement to the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means on SB 422 which appropriates $172.5 million for projects intended to increase the capacity of the state's correctional system.

Keynote Speech to the Independent Cities Association's Twenty-Third Annual Seminar [Publication Details]

May 13, 1983 - Keynote Speech to the Independent Cities Association's Twenty-Third Annual Seminar on the nature of state-city relations in California. Legislative Analyst Bill Hamm describes the fiscal context in which decisions on the 1983-84 state budget will be made, and what this context implies for fiscal relief.

The Feasibility of Establishing a State Travel Center [Publication Details]

May 1, 1983 - The Feasibility of Establishing a State Travel Center [Publication Details] The Feasibility of Establishing a State Travel Center Format: PDF Description: The authority to approve business travel by a state employee generally is vested in the employee's department.

A Review of Personnel Growth in the Five State Agencies [Publication Details]

May 1, 1983 - A Review of Personnel Growth in the Five State Agencies [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Grass Roots Government in California: Where Should the Reseeding Begin? [Publication Details]

Apr 29, 1983 - Remarks on the extreme difficulty of balancing the interests of the community against those of the state as a whole. Reports by Policy Area

State Reimbursement of Mandated Local Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded During June 1981 Through September 1982 [Publication Details]

Apr 1, 1983 - State Reimbursement of Mandated Local Costs: A Review of Statutes Funded During June 1981 Through September 1982 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.