Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Evaluating COLAs for Cash Assistance Programs

In lower-cost counties (generally inland counties with lower comparative rental costs), the grant is 4.9 percent less than in higher-cost counties. The SSI/SSP COLA calculation is more complicated, as discussed below.

The 2021-22 Budget: CalAIM: Equity Considerations

Mar 12, 2021 - Furthermore, the degree to which managed care plans would elect to offer ILOS benefits would vary from county to county. As a result, which specific ILOS benefits would be available to a Me di ‑Cal beneficiary would vary based on where they live in the state and what managed care plan they are enrolled in.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Foster Care

Children are eligible for foster care grants if they are living with a foster care provid er under a court order or a voluntary agreement between the child's parent and a county welfare department. The California Department of Social Services (DSS) provides oversigh t for the county-administered foster care system.


The amount of $709,092 is requested for livestock disease control, and provides for five diagnostic laboratories at the following locations: ' Livestock and Poultry Laboratories Opening date Sacramento, Sacramento County _______________________ N ovember, 1929 San Gabriel, Los Angeles Coun~y----------------------January, 1950* Fresno, Fresno

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Crosscutting Issues

Other costs attributed to the CCS Program are shared equally by the state General Fund and county funds. Healthy Families Includes CCS Services. The Healthy Families Program includes CCS services as a benefit.

Improving Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in California

Sep 21, 2016 - We recommend requiring outcomes be reported at the school, district, county, SELPA, and state levels. (For example, if a county has ten DHH students spread across several districts, the average test results for the group would be reported at the county level but not at the district or school level.)

The California Immigration Reform Act [Ballot]

Jun 9, 2015 - The California Immigration Reform Act [Ballot]  PDF Version Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed statutory initiative regarding immigration and tax matters (A.G. File No. 15-0022).

(1) Welfare Reform’s Immigrant Restrictions—County Costs Probably Less Than Projected, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments [Publication Details]

Oct 24, 1996 - (1) Welfare Reform’s Immigrant Restrictions—County Costs Probably Less Than Projected, and (2) Economic and Revenue Developments [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

Enterprise Zone Program Administration

Mar 8, 2010 - Eligible taxpayers can receive up to $37,440 in state tax credits per qualified employee over a five-year period. To partially fund the state ’s costs for administering the program, businesses currently pay a $10 fee per hiring tax credit voucher application.

The statute of limitations for certain sex crimes committed against minors. [Ballot]

Oct 23, 2015 - Punishment for such crimes typically involves incarceration in county jail or state prison and can include supervision by county probation officers or state parole agents upon release. State law requires individuals who have committed such crimes to register with local law enforcement as sex offenders.