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1999-00 Perspectives and Issues: Overhauling the State's Infrastructure Planning and Financing Process

State/local funding responsibilities not articulated. Significant state support for certain local infrastructure, but not considered in the context of statewide needs and the state's primary responsibility to provide adequate state-owned facilities.

LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 1998 - LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details] HTML Description: The role of the Legislative Analyst's Office is to review state programs and make recommendations to the Legislature as to how the state can operate more effectively and efficiently.

Implementing New Federal Education Legislation

State Responsibilities To receive planning or implementation grants, states must apply to the federal government. The application for implementation funding takes the form of a five-year state plan. The requirements of the state plan--and state responsibilities under the act--are described in Figure 5.

Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill: What About California's Tax Levels?

California ranks between western and industrial states in terms of both state taxes and local taxes. Figure 12 (see next page) shows that, in per capita terms, California is slightly higher than western and industrial states for state-local taxes combined and state taxes alone.

Cal Facts 1996 -- Table of Contents

Cal Facts 1996 -- Table of Contents California Has One of the World's Largest Economies Employment In California Is Spread Among Many Industries California Recovering From Recession Service and Trade Industries Leading California Recovery Some Service and Trade Industries Are High Paying Top Six Markets For California Exports Aerospace Employment Is Lowest in Decades Housing Activity Continues to

[PDF] State and local government tax rules.

BACKGROUND State Government Taxes and Fees. This year’s state budget spends over $255 billion in state funds. Over 90 percent of the state budget is funded with revenues from taxes. These include, for example, sales taxes paid on goods and income taxes paid on wages and other sources of income.

2000 Budget Perspectives: Fiscal Challenge From Three Major Lawsuits

Elements of the state's Master Plan were determined to be a state mandate. While one school association suggests state liability could be $1.6 billion, our r eview finds that the state's costs should be much lower--or nothing.

[PDF] Protection from Transnational Gangs Act of 2012

State and local law enforcement agencies are not generally required under federal or state law to verify with DHS whether an immigration detainer should be issued for an arrested individual. Nor are state and local agencies generally required under federal or state law to transfer individuals for whom detainers have been issued to federal authorities.

2011 Initiative Analysis:Protection from Transnational Gangs Act of 2012

State and local law enforcement agencies are not generally required under federal or state law to verify with DHS whether an immigration detainer should be issued for an arrested individual. Nor are state and local agencies generally required under federal or state law to transfer individuals for whom detainers have been issued to federal authorities.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

However, DHS has indicated that it is working with states, other federal agencies, and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) to define requirements for a network and “hub ” to support data verification and the state –to –state data check requirements.