Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Transportation Overview

Second, the budget proposes no Proposition 1B funds for counties and cities to improve local streets and roads in 2008 –09, compared to the $950 million appropriated for these activities in the current year.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Federal Receiver's Prison Health Care Construction Program

This past fall, the Plata federal court ordered the state to determine a method for transferring to the Receiver $250 million that was already appropriated from the General Fund. These funds are from the original $300 million that had been appropriated in AB 900 for a different purpose than proposed by the Receiver —specifically, for infrastructure improvements on the grounds of existing state prisons.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Prop 98 Education Programs: Cash Management

Payments are collected by counties and transferred to school districts shortly thereafter. As a result of the property tax due dates, districts receive virtually no property tax revenues until the middle of the fiscal year.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: General Government: Financial Information System For California (FI$Cal)

The RFP could be shelved and project staff transferred to other projects. Any products the project has completed thus far, including the RFP, system requirements, and a schedule of accounts, could be used as groundwork to reestablish a FI$Cal system in the future.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Resources: Governor’s Reorganization Proposals

Prior to expanding the scope of DOC through consolidation of recycling efforts, we recommend that the Legislature consider the overall role for DOC and opportunities to transfer various components of DOC to other state agencies to improve program effectiveness and efficiency.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Unstable Funding Adversely Impacts Transportation Programs

Proposition 42 revenues are allocated as follows: 40 percent to cities and counties for local streets and roads, 40 percent to the state for the STIP, and 20 percent to the PTA for mass transportation purposes.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008 Version 1

The measure specifies that the Energy Commission will hold title to any properties acquired with funds in the Solar and Clean Energy Transmission Account and gives the commission the authority to exercise its ownership rights over any such property.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Voters Restoration Act

Legislative and BOE Districts For legislative and BOE districts, the measure transfers redistricting responsibilities from the Legislature to a Citizens Redistricting Commission. Selection of Members.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Citizens Fair Districts Act

The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as required by federal law.

2007 Initiative Analysis: The Victim’s Rights Act of 2008: Marsy’s Law (version 2)

The state, counties, and cities employ several thousand attorneys who specialize in the prosecution of criminal offenses. In general, pay and benefits for the attorneys are determined by the legislative bodies of their respective employers—including the Legislature, county boards of supervisors, and city councils—as a part of those bodies’ responsibilities to budget public funds.