Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 1

The measure allows the Legislature to suspend the funding restrictions for a single year in any given ten-year period. In order to suspend the measure, the Legislature would need to enact legislation by a two-thirds vote.

LAO Education

The Governor's Proposition 98 wall of debt plan also includes a reasonable multiyear approach to paying off all outstanding school and community college obligations one year before the expiration of Proposition 30 revenues.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of Corrections (5240)

Figure  8 shows that nationwide, arrests in 1999 peaked between the ages of 15 to 25, dropped dramatically for offenders 25 to 40, and were fewer than 5  percent among individuals 50 years of age and older.

[PDF] Child Abuse and Neglect

According to a recent survey of county child welfare agencies, all responding counties make training available upon request to local schools, and many actually provided training sessions to schools during the past year.

LAO 2006 Budget Analysis: Air Resources Board (3900)

This decrease reflects the elimination of a number of one-time expenditures that occurred in the current year, including $8.6 million for various air pollution co ntrol and monitoring equipment and contracts, $12.5 million for the Carl Moyer Program (diesel emission reduction incentives), and $15 million for school bus retrofitting.

[PDF] LAO 1995 Budget Analysis: Judiciary & Criminal Justice Chapter

These assignments are generally made due to illness or disqualification of per- manent judges, judicial vacancies, or court calendar congestion. The budget proposes total expenditures of $12.1 million.

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: Proposed Energy Policy Changes

Senate Bill 846 also included legislative intent to provide a total of $1 billion General Fund from 2023-24 through 2025-26—$100 million in 2023-24, $400 million in 2024-25, and $500 million in 2025-26—to support the CERIP, which CEC recently developed.

[PDF] Department of Pesticide Regulation: History, Programs, and LAO Issues

Other core mandates include the Food Safety Act of 1989, mandating monitoring of dietary risks of ingesting pesticides, and the Healthy Schools Act of 2000 (Chapter 718, Statutes of 2000 [AB 2260, Shelley]), intended to reduce the risk of pesti- cides in and around schools.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillCapital Outlay Departmental Issues, Part I

Stark Youth Training School and $575,000 is proposed for preliminary plans and working drawings for fences at El Paso de Robles School and the Ventura School. The fut ure cost for the latter two projects is $4.4  million.

[PDF] 1959 Budget Analysis: Public Works

The results are useful not only in school buildings but in all types of construction. The actual research is generally carried out by recognized organizations and universities. ANALYSIS To continue to carry out its mandatory duty, the division proposes for the 1959-60 Fiscal Year to increase its expenditures by $25,064, or approximately 2.2 percent, from