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2004 Initiative Analysis: California Scholarship Opportunity Act

The SDE could take a narrow approach to defining the allocation of per pupil state revenues to school districts (including only state funds provided for operational pu rposes) or it could take a broader approach (including state aid and local property taxes used for operational purposes).

[PDF] California Scholarship Opportunity Act

The SDE could take a narrow approach to defining the allocation of per pupil state revenues to school districts (including only state funds provided for operational purposes) or it could take a broader approach (including state aid and local property taxes used for operational purposes).

[PDF] The Thomas Lomax Taxpayers Act

As a result, the money paid for child support is only taxable when first earned by the noncustodial parent, and thus is not double-taxed. Tax-Related Impacts of the Initiative. The initiative specifies that court-ordered child support payments are deductible from income by the payor for tax purposes.

2004 Initiative Analysis: Humane Economic Liberty Program for California

The collective cost to the state and counties of this measure co uld thus amount to several billion dollars annually. Counties would experience some unknown partially offsetting savings to the extent that individuals who now receive health servi ces through county indigent health care programs became eligible for assistance through state health care programs, such as Medi-Cal.

[PDF] Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act of 2004

Among these requirements are: (1) for state offices, population differences among districts cannot exceed 1 percent; (2) the BOE districts must be comprised of adjacent legislative districts; and (3) districts cannot generally cross county boundaries more than once.

[PDF] Parents’ Right to Know and Child Protection

Bill Lockyer 3 June 25, 2004 parent or guardian (in which case the matter would have to be referred to the county child protection agency); or if notification would not be in the minor’s best interest.

[PDF] Redistricting Reform: The Voter Empowerment Act

Because the measure requires the redistricting plans to be approved by voters, it would result in costs to the state and counties each time a plan was placed on the ballot. These costs primarily would be related to preparing and mailing election- related materials.

2004 Initiative Analysis: California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mecha nism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

[PDF] California Petroleum Commission

To the extent that this occurs, there would be state and local revenue losses due to reduced revenue from corporate and personal income taxes, property taxes, and gasoline excise taxes. Alternatively, if the rate-setting mechanism reduces wholesale petroleum prices, without reducing production and investment, consumers in the state could benefit in the form of lower retail prices.

[PDF] Parents’ Right to Know and Child Protection

To the extent that minors used the judicial bypass process, the courts would incur additional workload and administrative costs, and counties would probably incur costs to provide court-appointed counsel to minors.