Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2001-02 Budget Analysis: General Government Overview

The State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) is the retirement system for teachers in public K-12 schools and community colleges. The STRS receives contributions from teachers and their employers. However, these contributions have historically been insufficient to provide for the cost of basic retirement benefits (which were enhanced by 1998 and 2000 legisl ation), the protection

2001-02 Budget Analysis: Department of Information Technology

Reduce by 25 percent the hiring of additional administrative law judges to assist in the hearing process. Forestry and Fire Protection Provide real-time fire perimeter mapping. Provide detection of low-intensity lightning-caused fires.

2001 Budget Analysis:Secretary of State

This is $7 million, or 8 percent, less than estimated current-year expenditures. Expenditures fr om the General Fund total about $39 million, a decrease of $7 million, or 15 percent, compared to estimated current-year expenditures.

2001 Budget Analysis: Dept of Fair Employment and Housing

We recommend the department implement the program using existing resources during the b udget year and evaluate the workload during that time. If sufficient workload develops, a future request for staff and resources may be justified.

2001 Budget Analysis: Public Employees' Retirement System (1900)

The proposal would leave a fund balance of $10.8 million (89 percent of budget-year expenditures) at the end of the budge t year. Consequently, we also recommend that prior to budget hearings PERS advise the Legislature on the effect of reducing the 0.5 percent charge the state pays into CRF to reduce the reserves.

2001 Budget Analysis: Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (2100)

Had the reduction in retirement expenditures not occurred, the fund would not have been sufficient to support ABC's current level of activities in the budget year. Based on current-year and proposed budget-year expenditures and revenues, the ABC fund will end the budget year with approximately $2.6 million in reserve.

2001 Budget Analysis: Department of Corporations (2180)

Typically, we recommend a prudent fund balance of around three months, or 25 percen t, of annual expenditures. For DOC, this level of reserves would total $5.9 million, or $32.1 million less than the indicated fund balance at the end of 2001-02.

2001 Budget Analysis: Housing and Community Development (2240)

While the department is still finalizing its guidelines, it has outlined the following framework for the payments: Payments will be made in January 2002, based on the level of housing permits issued in calendar year 2001.

2001 Budget Analysis: Technology, Trade, and Commerce Agency (2920)

The budget proposes $3.6 million General Fund in each of the next two years for the Office of Military Base Retention and Reuse, which was established by Chapter 952, Statutes of 1 998 (AB 639, Alby).

2001 Budget Analysis: California Arts Council (8260)

This amount represents a decrease of $6.7 million, from estimated current-year expenditures. This decrease is misleading, however, because the current-year budget included one-time grants to museums and cultural institutions.