Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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Using Federal Economic Stimulus Funds for Transportation: An Update

Unlike Caltrans, many cities and counties do not frequently receive federal transportation funds. Consequently, these agencies must spend extra time relearning a complex federal process each time they spend federal dollars on a transportation project.

LAO 2010-11 Budget: Proposition 98 and K-12 Education

Use of seniority in staffing decisions Requires that districts must use seniority to determine the order in which teachers are laid off, transferred, assigned, or reassigned. Base decisions instead on “effectiveness and subject matter needs.”

LAO 2010-11 Budget: Higher Education

. — Are attempting to transfer or acquire a certificate or degree. Designed for students who: — Already have a bachelor’s degree. — Carry any unit load. — Seek to transfer or obtain a degree/ certificate —or simply upgrade job skills.

LAO 2010-11 Budget: Resources

Chapter 5 states the Legislature ’s intent that BCRF monies should not be used, loaned, or transferred for any purpose in the future other than for the support of the beverage container recycling program.

The 2011-12 Budget: Should California End Redevelopment Agencies?

The Governor proposes to transfer the responsibility for managing these obligations to a local successor agency —most likely the city or county that authorized the redevelopment area, guided by an oversight board.

The 2011-12 Budget: The Administration's Revenue Accrual Approach

(The figure shows “state appropriation limit (SAL) revenues, ” which exclude non –tax revenues, transfers, and loans to the General Fund. Proposition 98 and other budgetary calculations rely on SAL revenues.)

The 2012–13 Budget: The 2011 Realignment of Adult Offenders—An Update

Counties would also be provided fiscal flexibility to transfer some of the funding —equal to an amount of up to 10 percent of the smaller of the two subaccounts —between these two particular subaccounts.

The 2012-13 Budget: Integrating Care for Seniors and Persons With Disabilities

Before it transfers such high levels of financial risk, the state must ensure financial solvency is adequately monitored in a timely, coordinated matter. Quality Oversight and Monitoring Need Further Development.

LAO 2012-13 Budget: Strategies to Maintain California's Park System

According to the department, this is in part due to its difficulty in attracting and retaining peace officers to work for the parks, as other government entities (such as cities) typically pay much higher salaries.

The 2013-14 Budget: Examining the State and County Roles in the Medi-Cal Expansion

The state assumed this responsibility for about a decade in the 1970s, but transferred it back in 1982. The state ’s 1982 program transfer occurred shortly after voters approved two amendments to the Constitution: (1) Proposition 13, which reduced local government authority to raise the property tax (a major source of county revenue) and (2) Proposition 4, requiring the state to reimburse local governments for mandated new programs or responsibilities.