Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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"The Three Strikes Act of 2000"

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

[PDF] "The Three Strikes Act of 2000"

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. Hon. Bill Lockyer 6 December 17, 1999 County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

1999 Initiative Analysis: Fair Competition and Taxpayer Savings Initiative

This measure further requires county elections officials to allow all eligible citizens w ithin their jurisdictions to vote over the Internet in all public elections in California during periods when absentee voting is permitted and during the regular voting period on e lection day.

[PDF] The California Internet Voting Initiative

This measure further requires county elections officials to allow all eligible citizens within their jurisdictions to vote over the Internet in all public elections in California during peri- ods when absentee voting is permitted and during the regular voting period on election day.

[PDF] Reinvesting in California Schools Act

For purposes of receiving funds under the measure, “school districts” are defined to include county offices of education, charter schools, and direct instructional costs of state-run schools. Funding for Higher Education.

Three Strikes and You're Out

Any such savings would be shared by the state and county governments on a statewide basis. County Jails and Probation Short-Term Effect. Some offenders released to the community as a result of this measure will subsequently be prosecuted and convicted for new crimes.

The Save our State Amendment

Program savings to state and local governments (primarily counties) due to reduced expenditures for certain public benefits. These savings could be over $100  million annually.

[PDF] Save Our State Amendment

Annual costs could be in the tens of millions of dollars to over $100 million. • Program savings to state and local governments (primarily counties) due to re- duced expenditures for certain public benefits.

Two-Thirds Vote Preservation Act of 2000

Specifically, state tax increases require approval by two-thirds of the Legislature; local tax increases must be approved by a majority or two-thirds of the local electorate. Expenditures Limits. Under the California Constitution, each level of government has a limit on the amount of tax revenues it may spend.

[PDF] Fees, Taxes. New Definitions, Vote Requirements. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

Specifically, state tax in- creases require approval by two-thirds of the Legislature; local tax increases must be approved by a majority or two-thirds of the local electorate. • Expenditures Limits.