Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] How-Are-COEs-Funded-Under-the-LCFF?

LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE Regional Services Part of Formulaa • Base funding of $655,920 per county offi ce of education. • Additional $109,320 per school district in the county. • Additional $40 to $70 per average daily attendance (ADA) in the county (less populous counties receive higher per ADA rates). a Refl ects target rates set forth in state law.

"Club Legilsation Act of 1998"

Fiscal Impacts Surcharge Revenue Under the measure, the surcharge would be 50 cents ($1.50 for drinks costing $12 or more) on alcoholic beverages and between 25 and 50 cents on nonalcoholic beverages sold between the hours of 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Education, Student Aid Commission (7980)

In 2001-02, the state amended the program to require Cal Grant T recipients to teach for one year in a low-performing school for each $2,000 of financial aid they receive. Recipients who do not fulfill the teaching obligation must pay back their financial aid award.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

The measure allows the Legislature to suspend the funding restrictions for two years in any given ten-year period. In order to suspend the measure, the Legislature would need to enact legislation by a two-thirds vote.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 2

The measure allows the Legislature to suspend the funding restrictions for two years in any given ten-year period. In order to suspend the measure, the Legislature would need to enact legislation by a two-thirds vote.

LAO Series: Climate Change Impacts Across California

More extreme weather and climate ‑driven events will result in more frequent emergencies and school closures, negatively affecting student learning, school facilities, and school district budgets. The Legislature will want to consider how the state can support schools in preparing for and responding to more frequent emergencies and public health issues.

[PDF] In addition, we estimate that K-12 schools have

In addition, we estimate that K-12 schools have five-year deferred maintenance needs of about $2.5 billion. (Analysis, pages 1-37 and 1-60.) ~ Potential Relocation of State Agencies from San Francisco to Oakland or Sacramento.

[PDF] Governor’s Budget-Related Reforms

Voter approved propositions • Proposition 98 (K-14 school funding). • Proposition 49 (after school funding). • Proposition 42 (transportation funding). Multiyear collective bargaining agreements Higher education compacts

[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: Higher Education Analysis

A comprehensive review considers additional factors beyond overall grades and test scores, such as a student’s performance in their senior year, academic accomplishment in light of their life experiences, and special talents .

1999 Initiative Analysis: Motor Vehicle Fuel Utility Act of 2000

During the temporary period, no more than two price increases per calendar year could be granted and applied to the wholesale price or retail price or both, with the total amount of each increase not to exceed 4  cents.