Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2001 Budget Analysis Department of Transportation (2660)

Specifically, of 25 automation projects that were refer enced in the FSR, including a project to develop a single project identifier for capital projects, only 6 have been completed. Thus, there may be ample opportunity for the automati on of business processes that will subsequently utilize the network.

2001 Budget Analysis California Highway Patrol (2720)

The Governor directed CHP to collect racial data for three years (calendar years 2000 through 2002). Data from local law enforcement agencies were to be reported voluntarily to C HP. In the first year of data collection, only 16 of the state's approximately 375 law enforcement agencies chose to participate.

2001 Budget Analysis Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

It takes an average of two years and much effort for a victim to restore his or her credit rating. The full extent of these types of fraud is unknown. Estimates for the total number of fraudulent licenses range well over 100,000 per year.

2002 Budget Analysis: P&I, Perspectives on State Expenditures

As discussed below, total combined state and local funding for schools increases modestly in the budget year. The budget is assuming, however, that growth in local property taxes will co ver the increase.

2002 Budget Analysis: P&I, Major Expenditure Proposals in the 2002-03 Budget

Proposition  98 establishes a minimum funding level that the state must provide for public schools and community colleges each year. K-12 education receives about 90  percent of total Proposition  98 funds.

2002 Budget Analysis: P&I, Reorganizing California's Energy-Related Activities

However, at the end of calendar year 2002 CERS will be prohibited under current law from buying additional electricity on the spot market. This is because it was assumed when CERS was set up that the utilities would hav e returned to financial health and, thus, be able to resume purchasing electricity themselves by the end of 2002.

LAO Highlights of the 2002-03 Analysis and Perspectives and Issues

We recommend that a planned loan of $100 million from PTA to the TCRF be reduced in order to avoid the projected shortfall. ( Analysis, pages A-22 through A-25 .) Ongoing Funding for Stormwater Management Needs Justification The budget requests $23.4 million for Caltrans to manage stormwater runoff.

2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Overview

On the other hand, the figure also shows that if (1) the Governor's proposed $30  billion in school bonds were approved over the next three election cycles, (2) the $2.8  billion in park and voter equipment bonds on the March  2002 ballot were approved, and (3) these new bonds were sold off rapidly, the DSR would rise modestly from its current level to just over 5  percent by 2007-08.

2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay

Year-Round Operation The Legislature has indicated its interest in CSU and UC operating their facilities year round in order to reduce the need to construct new instructional facilities. Progress CSU and UC have made in implementing year-round operation is discussed in the "Education " chapter of this Analysis .

2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of General Services (1760)

This is because virtually all the bonds are committed in the budget year. We would also note that the state may again face a very difficult fiscal situation in 2003-04. (See "Part I " of the Perspectives and Issues for more detail.)