Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, University of California (6440)

The primary financial benefit of year-round operation is that it reduces the need to construct new instructional space. If UC proposes new instructional facilities to the Legislature based on any limit on summer enrollment short of full campus capacity, it is not using year-round operation at its full potential.

2002 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Military Department (8940)

According to the proposal from the prior year, "the end goal of the Master Plan phase is an automated 20-year Master Plan Report that provides specific objective recommendations for which facilities to build, renovate, expand. . . " However, this report has not been completed.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Overview

In order for California to receive a $50  million augmentation, the federal fiscal year 2002-03 appropriation would have to increase by $275  million, the largest single increase since the program's inception.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Trial Court Funding (0450)

Third, based upon our review of the number of court filings in the past two years, we could find no reason to believe that additional resources will be needed for caseload growth in the budget year. Accor ding to the council, in 1998-99 and 1999-00, the latest years for which data are available, court filings were about the same.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of Justice (0820)

The division estimates that for most license applications, it takes 25 hours or less to complete the background investigations. Some license s, most notably those for suppliers of equipment and resources for casinos, may take up to 120 hours to complete.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of Corrections (5240)

The remaining 25 percent of the 2000-01 budget shortfall was in the area of operating expenses. The shortfall here, according to CDC, was the result of a combination of factors, including unfunded annual price increases, increased costs for utilities, and increased costs for pharmacy and contract medical services.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Department of the Youth Authority (5460)

For many years, counties paid a flat fee of $25 per mo nth per offender. Chapter  6, Statutes of 1996 (SB 681, Hurtt) made two major changes in the cost sharing arrangement. First, it increased the flat fee that counties pay from $25 per month to $150 per month to account for inflation.

[PDF] LAO 2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary & Criminal Justice Chapter

For many years, counties paid a flat fee of $25 per month per offender. Chap- ter 6, Statutes of 1996 (SB 681, Hurtt) made two major changes in the cost sharing arrangement. First, it increased the flat fee that counties pay from $25 per month to $150 per month to account for inflation.

LAO Analysis of the 2002-03 Budget: Education, Overview

Requires that K-12 schools and CCC receive at least the same amount of combined state aid and local tax dollars as was received in the prior year, adjusted for statewide growth in average daily attendance and inflation (annual change in per capita personal income).