Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Fish and Game (3600)

Prior to 2000-01, the department's CEQA review efforts constituted the equivalent of nine personnel-years and about $767,000. In response to findings that the department's activi ties related to CEQA were not being conducted at an adequate level, the Legislature augmented DFG's budget for CEQA review in 2000-01 by $2.1  million (ongoing) from the General Fund and redirected 25 positions to CEQA review efforts.

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Overview

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Overview Overview Total state-funded expenditures for transportation programs are proposed to be substantially higher, by 9.4  percent, in 2002-03 than estimated current-year expenditures.

2002 Budget Analysis: Transportation, Motor Vehicle Account Condition

If only the proposed expenditure reductions are adopted, the account would have a relatively small balance of $23  million at the end of the budget year. However, the account would still face a substantial shortfall by the following year.

[PDF] Highlights of the 2003-04 Analysis and P&I

(Analysis, page E-25.) ! State and Federal Accountability Programs " We recommend that the Legislature take steps to integrate state and federal sanction and intervention programs to send a clear message of expectations to schools and districts.

2003 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 1

This was evident, for example, in its response to the ad ministration's mid-year proposals, where the Legislature made significant changes. Similarly, the Legislature is likely to disagree with many spending reduction proposals in the Governor's budget-year plan.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

Chapter  290, Statutes of 2002 (SB 2063, Brulte), created the California Indian Cultural Center and Museum Task Force (task force) to make recommendations to DPR on potential CIM sites, no later than one year after it is convened.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Developmental Services (4300)

According to DDS, if the 96-bed expansion receives federal certification, the department would receive approximately $4.9  million per year in federal Medicaid reimbursements for the forensic clients it houses.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Corrections (5240)

Currently there are 553 men on "death row, " and the population is expected to grow between 25 to 30 inmates per year. In response to various safety and security issues with the current facility, the budget proposes to construct a new 1,000 bed maximum-security $220  million housing complex adjacent to the existing San Quentin Prison.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, California State University (6610)

The Legislature has previously expressed its intent that CSU operate its facilities year-round. Although the university has made progress in implementing year-round operation, it c ontinues to plan construction of instructional facilities in the next five years that will cost the state about $1  billion —even though much, if not all, of this space would not be necessary if campuses fully utilized their facilities in the summer.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Judicial Council (0250)

Since county payments will be fixed at historical levels, the share of operat ing and maintenance costs they will cover will erode in future years, because of inflation and the need to construct additional facilities.