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The 2014-15 Budget: A Review of the 2014 California Five-Year Infrastructure Plan

State Versus Local Responsibilities A key consideration for the state is how much of its budget to devote to local infrastructure (for example, schools and parks) versus infrastructure with more substantial statewide implications (for example, University of California [UC] campuses, state courts, or state prisons).

[PDF] High-quality public schools (Version 2).

Fiscal Effects No Direct Fiscal Effect on the State or Schools. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect on the state or public schools. This is because the measure does not require the state or local governing boards to make any specific changes to current policies or programs.

[PDF] Taxes to fund public schools and colleges.

The State Constitution requires the Legislature to provide for a system of free K-12 schools. The Constitution establishes the University of California (UC) system and authorizes funding of a state public education system, which currently consists of K-12 schools, community colleges, and state universities and colleges (including the UC and California State University [CSU] systems).

[PDF] High-quality public education (Version 2).

Fiscal Effects No Direct Fiscal Effect on the State or Schools. The measure would have no direct fiscal effect on the state or public schools. This is because the measure does not require the state or local governing boards to make any specific changes to current policies or programs.

[PDF] Child Care and Preschool: Governor’s Policy Proposals

About half of State Preschool providers are LEAs.  About one-third of children in State Preschool are served by community-based organizations, such as non-profi ts.  Programs Vary in Length  State Preschool offers two options.

[PDF] Child Care and Preschool: Governor’s Policy Proposals

About half of State Preschool providers are LEAs.  About one-third of children in State Preschool are served by community-based organizations, such as non-profi ts.  Programs Vary in Length  State Preschool offers two options.

[PDF] California Home Rule Amendment

Because the measure expands the circumstances under which the state is required to reimburse local agencies, the measure may increase future state costs or alter future state actions regarding local or shared state-local programs.

LAO 2005 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Water Policy Issues Facing the State

However, as the state recently found with the Jones Tract levee failure (a Delta levee outside the state system), the state can find itself paying significant emergency response and repair costs when these projects fail.

Back to Basics: Improving College Readiness of Community College Students [Publication Details]

Jun 16, 2008 - We identify a number of state policies that we believe stand in the way of student success, and recommend several structural and systemwide changes designed to help increase preparedness and achievement among community college students.


STATE TRAVEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES State law contains only the most general rules regarding travel by state employees. The Government Code, in Sections 11030 and 11032, provi- des that employees traveling on state business shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses, and that the Director of Finance and the