Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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By statute, air tanks must be inspected every two years and boilers and elevators every year. - 299- Industrial Relations On an inspection basis of 600 boilers and 1,350 air tanks per man-year, the division has a current backlog of inspections exceeding the statutory limits, as follows: llir tanks

Update on School District Retiree Health Benefits [Publication Details]

Sep 25, 2017 - Update on School District Retiree Health Benefits [Publication Details] Update on School District Retiree Health Benefits Format: HTML Description: School districts face growing cost pressure related to the health benefits they provide for their retired employees.

[PDF] The 2018-19 Budget: California's New Tax Departments

This active backlog represents about a year of typical case workload. OTA has indicated it intends to prioritize working down the backlog of active cases. OTA Currently Has 28 Vacancies. OTA has 28 vacancies and is actively recruiting or interviewing for 22 of those vacant positions.

October 2016 State Jobs Report [EconTax Blog]

Dec 1, 2016 - Over the past year, the sectors with the strongest growth rates have been private schools and universities, professional and technical services (including a lot of the technology subsectors), and construction.

[PDF] 1951 Budget Analysis: CAPITAL OUTLAY

For all practical purposes, previously appro- priated reserves have now been completely exhausted, and the State Department of Education college building program, as well as special schools, will be on a current appropriation basis in the 1951-52 Fiscal Year and subsequent years.

2002 Budget Analysis: Judiciary and Criminal Justice, Military Department (8940)

In order to be admitted, cadets must be 15 or older, have no prior offenses, no mental illness or sexual pr oblems, and be expelled from school for a firearms-related offense. In 1999-00, the latest year for which there is data available, there were only 154 students who were expelled fo r a fire arms-related offense.

[PDF] The Nuclear Waste Act of 2012

Harris 6 May 25, 2012  Potential avoidance of significant future state and local government costs and lost revenues in the rare event of a major nuclear plant incident. Sincerely,

[PDF] Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010 (Amdt. #1-NS) Revised

Over the past five years, these revenues have averaged roughly $1.4 billion per year. Under certain conditions, the Constitution allows this transfer to be suspended. Sus- pended amounts, however, must be repaid with interest within three years.

[PDF] Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Act of 2010 (Version 2) Revised

Over the past five years, these revenues have averaged roughly $1.4 billion per year. Under certain conditions, the Constitution allows this transfer to be suspended. Sus- pended amounts, however, must be repaid with interest within three years.

Highlights of the 2005-06 Analysis

Some School Districts Face Difficult Fiscal Conditions Some school districts face huge fiscal liabilities to pay for retiree health benefits. It will be difficult for districts to deal with these obligations without a long-term strategy.