Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Strategies to Maintain California’s Park System

State parks also receive support from various special funds, including rent paid by state park conces- sionaires, revenues from the state 2012-13 B u d g e T 8 Legislative Analyst’s Office boating gas tax, federal highway dollars for trails, and various state revenue sources earmarked for natural resource habitat protection (such as the Habitat Conservation Fund,

[PDF] Maximizing Federal Reimbursement For Parolee Mental Health Care

The state is required to use available electronic data sources, such as tax information from the Internal Revenue Service, to determine eligibility prior to asking for additional information from the applicant.

[PDF] The 2013‑14 Budget: Analysis of Governor’s Proposition 39 Proposal

The Governor’s approach assumes that all tax revenues deposited directly into the General Fund must be included in the Proposition 98 calculation, whereas any tax revenues deposited directly into a special fund must be excluded from the calculation.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

When all RDA debts have been repaid, tax increment revenues no longer will be separated from other property tax revenues and instead be distributed to local agencies using existing property tax allocations.

[PDF] The 2013-14 Budget: Analysis of the Higher Education Budget

Though they are less likely to qualify for need‑based aid, these families may receive other types of federal assistance to help cover education costs, including tax credits, tax deductions, and student loans.

Making Government Make Sense: A More Rational Structure for State and Local Government

Allocation of Property Tax Revenues. Local property tax allocations for cities and counties would be increased by the aggregate amount of shifted costs and local sales tax revenues. The increased property tax revenues , together with existing local property tax revenues, would be entirely reallocated among local agencies.

[PDF] LAO 1993 Budget Analysis: Making Government Make Sense

Allocation of Property Tax Revenues. Local property tax allocations for cities and counties would be increased by the aggregate amount of shifted costs and local sales tax revenues. The increased property tax revenues, together with existing local property tax revenues, would be entirely re- allocated among local agencies.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: State Fiscal Picture

These expiring budget solutions include the deferral of the state's PERS retirement contribution, the suspension of the renters' tax credit, and the expiration of the temporary 10 percent and 11 percent top personal income tax brackets.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics

It also reflects the impact of federal tax increases for high-income taxpayers enacted as part of the Clinton Administration's 1993 deficit reduction package. These retroactive tax increases will reduce spend- able incomes in 1994 both because of higher payments due on 1993 tax returns and because of the increased withholding and estimated tax pay- ments that take effect this year.

[PDF] LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter

LAO 1994 Budget Analysis: Business & Labor Chapter Project 12-unit Project Type Progam/Funding Source HCD $441 $520 Low-interest loans Rental Housing Construction Program/ state General Obligation bonds TCAC 450 524 Tax credits Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program/ federal tax credits CHFA 188 325 Low-interest loans Housing Assistance Trust/