Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: An Overview of State Expenditures

The SAL places an "upper bound " on the amount of tax proceeds that the state can spend in any given year and grows annually by a population and cost-of-living factor. Most state appropriations are subject to the SAL; however, certain appropriations are exempt —including those for subventions to schools and local governments, capital outlay, and tax relief.

2004-05 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Major Expenditure Proposals in the 2004-05 Budget

Major changes include an additional 25  percent grant reduction for families who remain in sanction status for more than one month, a 25  percent sanction on families who have reached their five-year time limit and are not working, and limiting the range of activities that count as work participation.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: CALFED Bay-Delta Program: At a Funding Crossroads

For the current year, the largest state expenditures are in the ecosystem restoration ($136.3  million) and water use efficiency ($112.7  million) programs. Budget Proposes $68.6  Million of State Funds for 2004-05.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority

This program provides loans to schools, cities, counties, non-profit hospitals, and public care institutions to make energy conservation improvements on their facilities. The CEC has already awarded ap proximately 70  percent of the bond sale in the form of loans to qualified recipients.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Department of Motor Vehicles

Under current law, third parties such as licensed privately owned driving schools and public high schools are authorized to provide driving classes (in the classroom and on the road) to individuals seeking a noncommercial driver license.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Community Colleges

This shows the average growth rate based on actual experience over the last 25 years, and indicates what enrollment would be in the out-years if that trend persisted. It shows that enrollment would be less than 37,000 FTE students in 2015, much lower than the almost 51,000 FTE students the chancellor's office predicts for the district.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Criminal Justice Overview

However, since the lower-than-anticipated revenue is partially explained by typical first-year implementation delays, fee revenue can reasonably be expected to increase in the budget year, as the courts will have a full 12 months of collections.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Valdivia Remedial Plan For Parole Revocation

Parole agents referred approximately 90,000 revocation cases to BPT last year, and BPT held about 40,000 revocation hearings. The BPT spent over $14  million to administer the revocation process last year.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Reducing TANF Block Grant for Probation Could Have Unintended Consequences

These services range from after-school programs designed for relatively low-level at-risk youth, to formal counsel ing, alcohol and drug treatment services. Services are provided both in the community and in residential facilities, such as juvenile halls, camps, and ranches.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: State Trial Court Funding (0450)

Case management systems are the mechanism by which court staff calendar, update, and track criminal and civil cases. Currently, the courts have over 70 separate case management systems that vary in both reliability and capability.