Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Department of Finance (8860)

Under the plan, each control agency would have “ownership” of their respective business areas in relationship to the system. Each partner, therefore, would have the authority to ultimately determine how the system will be developed and configured in relation to their business activities.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Alcohol and Drug Programs (4200)

By appropriating $120 million General Fund for transfer to SATTF and $25 million General Fund for OTP, the Legislature provided a total of $145 million General Fund for support of Proposition 36 programs in 2006-07.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: In-Home Supportive Services

State participation in wage increases after 2000-01 is contingent upon meeting a revenue “trigger” whereby state General Fund revenues and transfers grow by at least 5 percent since the last time wages were increased.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (3540)

Lands owned by the federal government or incorporated within existing city limits are excluded from SRA. Also, if the density of houses is greater than three units per acre, the Board of Forestry generally removes these lands from SRA and local governments become responsible for fire protection.

LAO 2007 Budget Analysis: Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

The two primary revenue sources for this fund are fee revenues —including park admission fees, camping fees, and other fees charged to state park visitors —and an annual transfer from the Motor Vehicle Account.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Juvenile Justice (5225)

Current law requires that M cases be transferred to state prison at age 18, unless their earliest possible release date comes before they reach age 21. Parole Violators. These are parolees who violate a condition of parole and are returned to a DJF facility.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: General Government

Another 929 were demoted, transferred, or opted to retire in lieu of a layoff. In that year, DPA increased its staff by 14.5 limited –term positions to manage layoff –related workload. Given the long timeframe required to complete the layoff process, departments sometimes must initiate the formal steps of the layoff process —increasing DPA ’s workload —even if, in the end, they are able to minimize or eliminate the need for layoffs through attrition or other means.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Judicial and Criminal Justice: Funding For Correctional and Court Facilities

Transfer Funds From SCFCF to Achieve General Fund Savings The SCFCF, which consists of revenue from various court fees and fines, is the primary funding source for the renovation and replacement of court facilities.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Higher Education: Capital Outlay—California State University

Not all of the existing equipment will be transferable. Some of their current furniture could be worn and need replacement, and certain instructional or lab equipment could need replacement or be obsolete due to changing technology.

LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: SSI/SSP (5180)

To further encourage counties to focus on these cases, we recommend establishing an incentive payment to counties for each case transferred to federal eligibility. We would suggest the payment be equal to one month of the individual CAPI grant.