Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Transportation: Executive Summary

As an additional budget solution, we recommend the Legislature transfer MVA revenues that are not subject to the restrictions of Article XIX of the State Constitution to the General Fund to help address the state ’s budget problems.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Voters FIRST Act

Legislative and BOE Districts For legislative and BOE districts, the measure transfers redistricting responsibilities from the Legislature to a Citizens Redistricting Commission. Selection of Members.

2007 Initiative Analysis: Uninsured Motorist Law Enforcement Act of 2008

The measure would permanently establish California’s Low Cost Automobile Insurance program in Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. Fiscal Effect The operations of CHP and DMV are primarily supported by driver license and vehicle registration fees.

2008 Initiative Analysis: The Children’s Health Insurance and Youth Smoking Prevention Act of 2008

Children up to age two in families with incomes below 300  percent of FPL, and who have transferred from the state's Access for Infants and Mothers program, also receive coverage under HFP. Children for whom HFP applications are filed must generally be an eligible United States citizen or a qualified alien.

2009 Initiative Analysis: California Freedom From Slavery Act

For example, people under 55 years of age might transfer property or income to spouses or other family members over 55 years old to avoid taxation. In addition, more people over age 55 might move to (or stay in) California, increasing the number of residents exempt from these taxes.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010 (Amendment #1-NS) Revised

Proposition  42 (2002) Transfer. The Constitution requires that the gasoline sales tax revenues deposited into the General Fund be transferred to the Transportation Investment Fund (TIF). These funds have been counted as tax revenues for purposes of calculating the minimum amount of K-14 education funding required under Proposition  98.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Education and Taxpayer Fairness Act

Counties collect these tax revenues and allocate them to local governments (cities, counties, special districts, redevelopment agencies, schools, and community colleges) according to law. Real property includes land, buildings, and other things affixed to the land.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Community Hospital Taxes (Version 6)

Payments to hospitals licensed to a county, city and county, or the University of California. Health care coverage for children in low-income families. No more than 15  percent of the proceeds would be allowed for this purpose.

2009 Initiative Analysis: The McCauley-Rosen Wealth Tax and Oceans Preservation Act

The measure transfers $25  billion from the Environmental Superfund to the General Fund for three consecutive years. Beginning in the fourth year, the measure transfers $10  billion annually from the superfund into the General Fund.

2012 Initiative Analysis:The California Residents College Accessibility and Affordability Act of 2014

After making the transfers described above, the amount remaining in the California Residents College Accessibility and Affordability Fund would be transferred to CSAC. The measure requires that CSAC use this funding to expand financial aid for California residents enrolled at UC and CSU.