Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 2010 California Marriage Protection Act

These changes may reduce various state and local tax revenues as it would likely reduce purchases of goods and services related to the performance of weddings—for example, if it reduced the amount of tourism in the state attributable to weddings.

[PDF] Microsoft Word - 090570.doc

The tax is not imposed on certain insurance fees. In 2008, insurance compa- nies paid about $1.8 billion in premium taxes on the various types of insurance policies in California. In addition, fees paid to brokers are not treated as premiums but instead under state income tax law as income to the broker.

[PDF] Marriage Equality

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

[PDF] Marriage Equality (version 2)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

[PDF] Marriage Equality (version 5)

Particularly in the near term, this could increase revenues to state and local governments (primarily sales tax revenues). Over the longer run, however, this measure would likely have little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

[PDF] Jack Herer Cannabis Hemp Initiative

Based on limited data, it ap- pears that an excise tax of this level could potentially generate additional revenues in the high tens of millions of dollars annually. The actual amount of revenues generated, however, would depend upon whether the Legislature chooses to adopt an excise tax, the rate of such a tax, and how the measure changed the consumption and sales price of Hon.

[PDF] Comprehensive Tax Reform Initiative (Amendment #1-S)

BACKGROUND California currently levies a variety of state-level taxes, including the personal in- come tax (PIT), the bank and corporation franchise tax and income tax (CT), the state portion of the sales and use tax (SUT), the insurance tax, various excise taxes, and state- assessed property taxes.

[PDF] Passing the Budget on Time Act of 2010

The Constitution re- quires a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature for the passage of the annual budget act, other General Fund appropriations (except appropriations for public schools), other measures that take effect immediately (other than for the calling of an election), and bills that raise state taxes.

[PDF] Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Act of 2010 (Version 2) Revised

State Excise Tax on Gasoline and Diesel Fuel The state currently charges an excise tax of 18 cents per gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel sold in California, commonly known as the “gas tax.” In 2008-09, this tax generated roughly $3 billion in revenues.

[PDF] California Cancer Research Act (Amdt. #2-NS)

This measure would increase excise taxes on cigarettes and use these revenues to fund various health research and tobacco-related programs. BACKGROUND Tobacco Taxes Existing Tax Rate. Current state law imposes excise taxes on cigarettes and other to- bacco products.