Results for 서울시 tax

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The 2016-17 Budget: California's Fiscal Outlook - California's Fiscal Outlook [Video]

If the economy continues to grow through 2019-20, annual operating surpluses and larger reserves could materialize, and there may be capacity for some new budget commitments—whether spending increases or tax reductions.

The 2012-13 Budget: Overview of the May Revision - The 2012-13 Budget: Overview of the May Revision [Video]

While we find that the administration 's economic and revenue forecasts are reasonable, we are concerned that the amount of property tax revenues from former redevelopment agencies (RDAs) may be substantially less than the May Revision assumes in 2011-12 and 2012-13.

[PDF] The 2024-25 Budget: Salton Sea Management Program

Second, lithium tax revenues provide another possible source of funding for Salton Sea projects. The administration estimates the lithium tax could generate about $9 million for SSMP in 2026-27 and up to $35 million by 2028-29.

[PDF] LAO 2006 Recommended Legislation

LAO Contact Edgar Cabral: 319-8343 Legislative Analyst’s Office calIfornIa department of correctIons and reHabIlItatIon Enact Reforms in Prison Industry Authority Recommendation Privatize the Prison Industry Authority (PIA) as an indepen- dent, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization.

January 1999 California Update

(The revenue growth rate in the second hal f of 1998-99 will be considerably lower, due to the effects of the recently enacted tax cuts on final personal income tax payments.) Overall, revenues during the first half of the year tracked to the projections assumed in the 1998-99 Budget Act --falling just $57 million below the projected level.

[PDF] ABx2 8—Safe, Clean, Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act of 2008

Property Tax Impacts. Local property tax rolls will be reduced if the bond funds are used for property acquisitions by gov- ernment agencies and/or nonprofi t entities, which do not pay property taxes.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics

For example, the strength of California’s economy is the single most important determinant of the levels of collections from personal income taxes, sales and use taxes, and corporate income taxes. Similarly, California’s population and economic trends affect spending in many of the state government’s key program areas, including health and social services, education, and youth and adult corrections.

[PDF] Overview of Proposition 98 and Early Education Budget Proposals

Spending Changes in 2015-16 and 2016-17 3L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E February 28, 2017 ; Minimum Guarantee Up $2.1 Billion Over Revised 2016-17 Level „ Due primarily to modest growth in General Fund revenue. ; Local Property Tax Revenue Increases $1.1 Billion „ Due primarily to growth in assessed property values. „ Covers about half of the increase in the

2007 Initiative Analysis: California Class Action Reform and Corporate Accountability Act

These new state revenues would be partly offset by a reduction in state income tax revenues. That is because, under this measure, the share of punitive damage awards paid to attorneys and plaintiffs would be reduced by the amount paid directly to the state, thus reducing the amounts that might otherwise be subject to state income taxes.