Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] The 2020-21 Budget: Department of Social Services

The state receives an enhanced federal reimbursement rate—93 percent in calendar year 2019 and 90 percent in calendar year 2020 and beyond—for individuals that became eligible for IHSS as a result of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (about 3 percent of IHSS recipients).

May 1997 Cal Update

Higher School Attendance. Preliminary reports show 1996-97 school attendance is up significantly from the January estimate. This will increase the Proposition  98 guarantee in both the current and budget years.

[PDF] California Update: Per Pupil Funding Under Proposition 98: What Do the Coming Years Hold?

This was accomplished by providing loans to school districts, which had the effect of fund- ing schools at a level higher than the Proposi- tion 98 minimum guarantee. Future per-pupil funding under Proposition 98 will depend largely on the course of the California economy.

How Does the October Inflation Report Change Our Outlook? [EconTax Blog]

Nov 16, 2022 - At its current year-over-year rate of 6.3 percent, core inflation needs to come down about 4 percentage points to return to historical norms, a much more siz able gap than the typical 0.2 percentage point decrease seen after prior large monthly drops.

[PDF] Overview of Remedial Education at the State’s Public Higher Education Segments

Grants run over a two-year period (2016-17 and 2017-18).  Components of Other Categorical Programs. Including Student Success and Support Program, Student Equity Program, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative, and Awards for Innovation.

The 2018-19 Budget: California Hiring Tax Credits

Mar 15, 2018 - Additionally, to claim the existing credit, the employer must pay a new employee a starting wage of at least 150  p ercent of the state minimum wage —in 2018, for most businesses with more than 25 e mployees, that amount is $16. 50 p er hour.

California Highway Patrol: Enhancing Road Patrol Service Through Efficiencies

Since the late 1990s, the total amount of time officers spend annually on accident-re lated investigations and reporting has increased about 170,000 hours (25  percent), from 680,000 hours in 1999 to 850,000 hours in 2003 —the equivalent of approximately 98 personnel-years (full-time officer positions).

[PDF] Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere Act

Harris 3 April 25, 2012 spent as a result of this measure and whether those bonds would have been sold as taxable or tax-exempt.  Unknown reduction in state and local revenues due to a somewhat lower level of economic activity in the state over the next several years, resulting from a loss of matching funds from the federal government or private investors.

[PDF] 1962: Budget Analysis: Corrections

The course will require 48 hours of instruction, including 24 lectures of one hour each which, given on a one-half day, five-day week, schedule will require a total of 12 working or approximately 16 calendar days.

A Review of the CalSTRS Funding Plan: Treatment of Teacher Contributions Also Increase District Unfunded Liabilities

Feb 2, 2016 - Our third post explained how theoretical asset gains have increased the school and community college district share of CalSTRS’ unfunded liabilities. Below, we continue this discussion by describing how CalSTRS’ treatment of teacher contributions has also increased the district share.