Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 2012-13 Budget: Analysis of the Governor’s Higher Education Proposal

This is a common occurrence in CCC’s budget, as growth in local property taxes can offset General Fund costs. (Conversely, reductions in local property taxes can be backfilled with General Fund augmentations.)

The 2018-19 Budget: Meeting Workforce Demand for Certified Nursing Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Apr 27, 2018 - Reimbursements are funded by the Employment Training Tax, which is a special tax paid by California employers. Members of ETP decide which businesses to award these training funds. To receive reimbursement for training costs, a business must pay trainees an ETP-determined minimum wage after the training is completed and must retain employees for at least three months after the training.

Mental Health Realignment Risky, May Violate Proposition 63

May 19, 2010 - Proposition 63 established a personal income tax surcharge on high-income earners to e xpand mental health services. It also established a state maintenance of effort requirement to ensure that MHSA funds are not used to supplant existing resources.

[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

In 2017-18, counties’ individual MOEs reflect their Figure 17 Main Features of the Proposal 2017‑18 2018‑19 2019‑20 2020‑21 2021‑22 2022‑23 And General Fund support to partially offset increased county IHSS costs $400 million $330 million $200 million $150 million $150 million $150 million Realignment revenue growth to partially offset increased county IHSS costsa All sales tax

[PDF] The 2007-08 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

The PTA is funded by sales tax on diesel fuel and a portion of the sales tax on gasoline. Some PTA revenues come from “spillover”—the amount that gasoline sales tax revenues at the 4.75 percent rate exceed the amount generated from sales tax on all other goods at the 0.25 percent rate.

[PDF] Federal Welfare Reform in California: A Review of the Family Support Act of 1988

The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is currently estimating the potential General Fund reve- nue effects of conforming state tax law to these changes in federal tax law. We recommend that the Legislature consider this issue as part of its an

The 2017-18 Budget: California Spending Plan

Oct 18, 2017 - The spending plan includes $226.1  million and 57  positions from Proposition  56 (tobacco tax) revenues to implement the provisions of Proposition  56 related to DPH programs, as follows: $181.1  million for the Tobacco Control Branch to fund media campaigns, provide grants to local health departments and other organizations, and conduct program evaluation in an effort to


(The revenue growth rate in the second half of 1998-99 will be considerably lower, due to the effects of the recently enacted tax cuts on final personal income tax payments.) Overall, revenues dur- ing the first half of the year tracked to the projections assumed in the 1998-99 Budget Act—falling just $57 million below the projected level.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The 637 Public Works Items 175-176 Department of Motor Vehicles-Continued vehicle license fees are levied in lieu of taxes according to value imposed for state or local purposes on vehicles subject to registration under the Vehicle Code.

2006 Initiative Analysis: Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization, and Student Fee Reduction Act (Amendment #2-S.)

About two-thirds of the funding that supports community college programs is state General Fund support and local property tax revenues that are counted towards the state Proposit ion  98 spending total.