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An Initial Assessment of the California Performance Review: Section 3, Key Proposals

Such a transfer would require changes in state law, the waiver of federal laws, and negotiation with state and county unions. It would also require the implementation of a significant IT project which could be risky and costly given the state's history with developing large IT systems.

[PDF] A Review of the California Youth Authority's Infrastructure

The Youth Authority is responsible for providing a range of services to the ward population as mandated by existing state and federal law, and various court mandates. These services include educational, vocational, health, and mental health treatment programs.

A Look at the Progress of English Learner Students

One reason for the slower decline is that new EL students arriving in the state offset a portion of the reduction in the EL population due to reclassifications. Second, while new entrants appear to make progress at about the same rate as students who begin in kindergar ten, they arrive in the state with low levels of English proficiency.

[PDF] The 2004-05 Budget Bill, SB 1113, as Amended

Authorizes the issuance of a pension obligation bond to pay $929 million in 2004-05 state retirement costs. Reduces 2004-05 General Fund retirement costs by $32 million through a delay in state payments for new employees.

[PDF] An Assessment: Governor's Local Government Proposal

We also find, however, that the proposal locks in place the current flawed state-local fiscal structure, imposes added fiscal stress on many local governments, and is not structured in a fashion that addresses long-term state fiscal goals.

Proposition 50 Resources Bond: Funding Eligibility of Private Water Companies

There are about 8,700 water systems in the state that have at least 15 service connections and are subject to state oversight. As Figure  1 shows, about 23  percent of Californians receive their water from private water companies.

2004 Recommended Legislation Criminal Justice

Current law also requires counties to pay a fee to the state for each offender they send to the Youth Authori ty. Counties pay significantly higher fees for wards sent to the Youth Authority for less serious offenses (YAB categories V through VII) than serious offenses.

2004 Recommended Legislation General Government

2004 Recommended Legislation General Government Create a statutory framework for the state's equipment financing program. Rationale Every year the state purchases hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment.

2004 Recommended Legislation Health/Social Services

Rationale In 2003, the state experienced the first court-approved releases to the community of individuals deemed to be SVPs who had been committed and treated in state mental hospitals. The DMH arranged for supervision and treatment of SVPs through a contract with a private vendor after a number of counties had declined to provide these services in the community .

2004 Recommended Legislation: Resources

Property owners in the SRAs directly benefit from the program, as does the state's population through the pr eservation of natural lands. Thus, the state and property owners who benefit from the program should share in the costs of providing fire protection services.