Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Overview of California Ports

Analyst L E G I S L AT I V E A N A LY S T ’ S O F F I C E 2 California’s 12 Ports Vary in Size and Focus Overview of California’s Ports Port Operating Total Tons of Cargo Transported (2020) Highest-Value Port of Long Beach City of Long Beach Harbor Department 79,178,087 Petroleum Coke, Waste Paper, Chemicals, Scrap Metal Crude Oil, Electronics, Plastics, Furniture, Port of Los

[PDF] The 2023-24 Budget: California Volunteers Proposed Program Expansions

Different cities and counties began their programs at varying times, but all are currently scheduled to end by May 2024 when the existing funds run out. CA Volunteers allocated 80 percent of the $185 million to the largest 13 cities in the state using a population-based formula ($148 million), and granted 19 percent on a competitive basis to 14 other cities and counties ($35 million).

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

The  level of realignment funding that would be transferred to local governments under the Governor 's plan is highly uncertain, as it depends  on the outcome of the  SRA reclassification effort that has yet to begin and  for which guiding criteria have yet to be developed.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

If the Legislature adopts the Governor’s January 2011-12 budget proposal to eliminate enterprise zone tax credits, recommend elimination of the ten positions at HCD responsible for administering the program. 1-23-11 Transfer of IT function to Department of General Services (DGS) and staff to handle new workload Adopt Governor’s 2011-12 January budget proposal to transfer DFEH’s IT workload to DGS.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2012-13 Budget

Select Policy Area Select all Child Care Criminal Justice General Government Health Higher Education K-12 Education Resources and Environmental Protection Revenues Social Services Transportation, Business and Housing   OR   Select Department Select all 0.5-Crosscutting 4.21-Health Care Premium Savings 0250-Judiciary 0552-Office of the Inspector General 0690-Governor 's Office of Emergency

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2013-14 Budget

The proposal is consistent with and necessary to implement the reorganization plan enacted in 2012-13. 2-19-13 Transfer of $200 million in court construction funds to the General Fund Approve Governor's January proposal to transfer $200 million from the Immediate and Critical Needs Account to the General Fund because of the fiscal benefit it provides the state.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

Options include transferring these functions to an existing department, reforming or replacing CPEC, or delaying elimination (see detailed narrative). 5-20-11 Proposed $69 million cut directed at CSU is unjustified.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2011-12 Budget

However, for some specific proposals, our analysis indicates that it is uncertain whether the full savings would be achieved. 5-23-11 Transfer Healthy Families Program to Department of Health Care Services Recommend that the administration’s proposal to transfer Healthy Families Program be referred to policy committees.

Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2012-13 Budget

(We are still in the process of evaluating various May Revision proposals, such as newly proposed loans and transfers to the General Fund.) Comparisons with prior forecasts are complicated, given the changes since January in the Governor ’s proposed tax measure and the recent inclusion of revenues related to Friday ’s planned initial public offering (IPO) of stock by Facebook, Inc.