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[PDF] Abusive Tax Shelters: Impact of Recent California Legislation

Other States’ Approaches to Tax Shelters When California adopted its ATS legislation in 2003, no other states had attempted to target ATSs through such a focused and sustained effort. Most states simply pursued such cases as tax returns came up for audit for other reasons, or the states were notified of the use of a particular ATS transaction by the IRS.

[PDF] Cal Facts 2006: State Budget

State Operations Spending In Billions Corrections and Rehabilitation $7.9 Infrastructure Debt Service 4.2 University of California 2.9 California State University 2.7 All Other 6.1 State Operations State Budget 35 Higher Education Represents Over One-Third of State Employment 2005-06  In 2005-06, the

[PDF] Cal Facts 2006: Program Trends

Lowest State Highest State Miles Driven (x 10,000) per Capita Motor Vehicles per Capita 80 Program Trends California Ports Handle Increasing Amount of Goods  The amount of container‑goods handled by California’s busiest ports—Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Oak‑ land—has steadily increased over the past decade.

Strategies for Improving Child Support Collections In California

Utilizing the performance measures in this way would ensure continued state involvement and the opportunity for strong state leadership, without excessive and unnecessary control placed in the hands of the state.

[PDF] Strategies for Improving Child Support Collections in California

Strategies for Improving Child Support Collections in California Percent of Cases With an Arrears Collection Cost Effectiveness Expenditures Per Case Alabama 248,624 73.05% 51.26% 50.00% $3.95 $258.36 Alaska 46,387 86.82 55.49 66.63 4.50 467.43 Arizona 258,871 68.80 42.68 50.50 4.42 227.90 Arkansas 128,472 79.87 55.34 57.40 3.88 371.10 California 1,838,497 78.13 47.96 54.94 2.12 528.92 Colorado

Fiscal Effect on California: Pending Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005

The pending legislation includes ten separate titles covering a wide range of topics including health and human services programs, student loans, agricultural research, bank depos it insurance, digital television transition, and pension guarantee premiums.

The Progress of English Learner Students: Update 2002-2004

State Guidelines. State law required the State Board of Education to issue guidelines for districts in the use of CELDT and STAR results in the reclassification process. In 2002, the State Board ad opted the following guidelines.

Funding Enrollment Growth at UC and CSU

Some of these factors, such as population growth , are beyond the control of the state. Others, such as higher education funding levels and fees, stem directly from state policy choices. As a result, enrollment projections must c onsider the interaction of demographic changes and state policies that influence enrollment demand.

[PDF] Funding Enrollment Growth at UC and CSU

Fte enrollment— Budgeted enrollment targets In contrast to headcount, FTE measures better reflect the costs of serving students (that is, the number of course units taken) and is the preferred measure used for state budgeting purposes.

[PDF] Overview of the 2006-07 May Revision

Despite proposed prepayments of an additional $1 billion in deficit-financing bonds and $600 million in other debt, the state would end 2006-07 with about $21.6 billion in budgetary debt outstanding.