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[PDF] The 2019-20 Budget: Analysis of Proposed Increase in State Funding for Local Child Support Agencies

Child Support Services Are Funded Primarily by the State and Federal Government. The federal government pays two-thirds of the costs of child support services and the state pays the remaining one-third.

The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief from Transportation Funds

Local STIP = State Transportation Improvement Program; SHA = State Highway Account; SHOPP = State Highway Operation and Protection Program; HUTA = Highway Users Tax Account; and STA = State Transit Assistance; PTA = Public Transportation Account.

What Is a Mandate? - What Is a Mandate: Learning Through Examples [Video]

January 16, 2007 When the state mandates that a local government provide a new program or higher level of service, the California constitution often —but not always —requires the state to reimburse the local government.

[PDF] Prisons vs. Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility

Percentage of State General Fund Spent on Corrections and Public Universities Figure 1 84-85 89-90 94-95 99-00 04-05 09-10 Corrections (2010-11 shares are proposed.) ProPoSal Would lock in ShareS of State SPending The Governor’s proposed constitutional amendment would require that, beginning in 2014‑15, no more than 7 percent of state General

[PDF] The California Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act. Amendment #1 .

This measure would place certain requirements for the adult film industry—now described in detail only in state regulations and in a Los Angeles County law—in California state statute. It also would place additional requirements concerning the industry in state statute.

[PDF] Parental Notification, Child and Teen Safety, and Stop Predators Act

The CalWORKs program is supported with both state and federal funds, but because all CalWORKs federal funds are capped, these additional costs would probably be borne by the state. These costs would typically not be significant compared to total state spending for CalWORKs, which is estimated to cost about $5.5 billion in state and federal funds in 2013-14.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Capital Outlay Crosscutting Issues

Moreover, providing adequate facilities is integral to the success of programs and services funded with state resources. In addition to the state's transportation, water, and parks systems, the state has an immense inventory of other physical facilities.

[PDF] Initiative Letter

The state receives funding for the CalWORKs program through the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant, which allows the state significant flexibility to structure CalWORKs to meet state objectives.

California's Fiscal Outlook 1996-97 Through 1998-99 Chapter 5

STATE PROGRAMS As discussed below, particularly significant long-term fiscal considerations are associated with several program areas within the state budget. Welfare The federal welfare reform act includes several provisions that could lead to significant changes in state law regarding various public assistance programs.

[PDF] California Taxpayer Protection Act of 2010 (version 2)

Effective July 1, 2010, parents registering the birth of their child would generally be required to (1) state their Social Security number and (2) sign an affidavit stating that they were a citizen or a national of the United States or were an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence who maintains his or her residence in the United States.