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[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Employees' Retirement System

State Employees' Retirement System Analysis of Proposed Expenditures for the 1947-48 Fiscal Year For Support of Board of Administration of the State Employees' Retirement System Item 31, page 4 of the Budget Bill, and page 25 of the Budget.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Soil Conservation Commission

The Commission is composed of five- non-paid members: the State Engineer, the Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University of California, the Director of Agriculture Extension of the University of California, all serving ex officio, and two members appointed by the Governor.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Board of Equalization

The presence in California of many new businesses whose owners have recently come from other states, makes the inevitability of an audit as important now as it was when the sales tax first went into effect.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Hygiene

Per Capita Costs, Inmates Per Doctor and Inmates Per Attendant As Budgeted 1947-48 and As Recommended by Us, 11 Mental Hospitals and Homes Per capita costs Ratio of inmates Population 1947-48 per doctor per attendant estimated Recom- Budg- Recom- Budg- Recom- 1947-48 Budgeted mended eted inended eted mended Modesto State HospitaL_ 1,697 $832 98 $830 62 212 212 4.9 4.9 Pacific

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

In addition to the above positions we recommend that the following positions also not be allowed. 3 State Park Ranger, Grade III 4 State Park Ranger, Grade II 6 State Park Ranger, Grade I 1 Automobile Mechanic With the exception of the six State Park Rangers, Grade I, all of the above positions have been established but the funds not used for the pur- pose of paying the salaries of these position.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and Vocational Standards

For Support of State Board of Optometry Item 274, page 52, of the Budget Bill and pages 793 and 794 of the Budget. Amount requested, $20,878, for support for the 1947-48 Fiscal Year from the State Optometry Fund.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: PUC

The contract was not renewed, and it will be necessary for the State to undertake the research and laboratory service. For Acquisition of Real Property, Department of Publ ic Health Item 285, page 54, of the Budget Bill, and p~ge 816 of the Budget.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Index

('onsti tn tiOll --------------___________________________________ ~____ 1 State Controller - ____ '-_________ --------_-------------------_____________ H!H State Deficit, 1933-:4L ____________ -_-__ ------------__________ ~ _________ -'_ 3~ Stati~ EmpJo;rees, number oL _____ --_----_----------------·---_____________ 12:-\ c-: 658 ~ INDEX-Continued Page

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: Judicial

1948 Budget Analysis: Judicial -19 - Each State Commission on Uniform State Laws pays to the National Commission on Uniform State Laws a share of the expenses of that organ- ization, based on the population of the State.