Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada

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[PDF] 16.2_2015-16 Higher Education General Fund Changes.indd

16.2_2015-16 Higher Education General Fund Changes.indd 2015-16 Higher Education General Fund Changes (In Millions) California Community Colleges Increase apportionmentsa $485 Pay down mandate backlog (one time) 117 Augment Student Success and Support Program and student equity plans 185 Fund maintenance and instructional equipment (one time) 100 Hire additional full-time faculty 62 Fund CDCP

[PDF] Ability to Reduce General Fund Spending

Reductions result in savings of 25 cents for every $1 reduction under ARRA. Considerable. The state can limit services, provider rates, and eligibility. Corrections and Rehabilitation 9% Partial. The ability to reduce spending for medical care under the federal Receiver ($1.6 billion) is limited, though possible in some circumstances.

2007-08: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Our alternative Proposition 98 spending plan would provide K –12 schools and community colleges roughly the same amount of ongoing program support in 2008 –09 as in the current year ($57.7 billion). (The Governor ’s budget, in contrast, provides $2.1 billion less —see Figure 3.)

The_2015-16_Budget: Implementation of Proposition 47

K–12 Truancy and Dropout Prevention Proposition 47 requires that 25 percent of the SNSF go to CDE to administer a grant program to reduce truancy, high school dropout, and student victimization rates.

[PDF] A proposed statutory initiative related to the cultivation, use, possession, and sale of marijuana. Amendment No. 2

For example, under the measure it would be a misdemeanor crime punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and/or up to a year in county jail to sell more than specified amounts of marijuana in a manner that is not authorized by the measure (such as without a proper license).

[PDF] Maddy Emergency and Trauma Services Act

Bill Lockyer 2 March 15, 2002 $25 million in state tobacco product tax revenues received under a 1988 initiative known as Proposition 99, on a one-year basis, to help pay for uncompensated emergency care provided by hospitals and physicians.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option

At the end of the year, every local government also must (1) issue a report evaluating the extent to which local expenditures conformed to its local service goals and priorities and (2) undergo a financial audit.

[PDF] Community Public Health and Safety Protection Act—Option 3

In addition, at the end of the year, every local government must (1) issue a report evaluating the extent to which local expenditures conformed to its local service goals and priorities and (2) undergo a financial audit.


The K-12 school-age population will grow at a rate slower than the general population over the next sev- eral years. The number of preschoolers is projected to grow even less—indicating that the K-12 population’s growth will continue slowing.

2002 Budget Analysis: P&I, Perspectives on State Expenditures

As discussed below, total combined state and local funding for schools increases modestly in the budget year. The budget is assuming, however, that growth in local property taxes will co ver the increase.