Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The California Teacher Trainee Program: A Review

On the other hand, training a teacher through a postsecondary institution-- either through the college option of the Teacher Trainee program, or a traditional training program--costs the state's tax- payers roughly $2,200 (the average annual state subsidy for students in the CSU).

[PDF] The Feasibility of Replacing the Homeowners' Exemption With an Income Tax Credit

The Feasibility of Replacing the Homeowners' Exemption With an Income Tax Credit $6.2 Page 10 Revenue Effects. Repeal of the homeown- ers' property tax exemption would result in higher property tax payments of $338.2 mil- lion in 1986-87.

[PDF] Summary of Recommended Legislation

Specifically, we recommend that every school district be guaranteed a certain minimum revenue yield from a given tax rate so that all districts, regardless of their property tax base, are able to raise sufficient revenues to finance their local school facilities needs.

[PDF] Major Financial Legislation Enacted in 1988

Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Chapter 1573 -- Assembly Bill 2788 (Harris) and Chapter 1574 -- Assembly Bill 2833 (Katz) These acts provide additional rights and safeguards to tax- payers. Chapter 1573 deals with the Personal Income Tax law and the Bank and Corporation Tax law, both administered by the Franchise Tax Board.

[PDF] Major Financial Legislation Enacted in 1989

These include a recycled materials tax credit (Ch 1090/89-Alquist), a solar energy tax credit (Ch 1291/89 -Garamendi), a ridesharing tax credit (Ch 1227/89-Klehs), and a tax credit for recycling machinery (Ch 1091/89-Killea).

[PDF] The Child Development Program: A Sunset Review

These re- sults also suggest that the benefits of similar California preschool programs (to taxpayers in the form of increased taxes paid by pre- school participants, reduced educational and criminal justice costs, and reduced welfare payments) are likely to offset partially the costs of such programs.

[PDF] An Evaluation of the State's Alternative Energy Finance Program (Safe-Bidco)

These initiatives included tax credits for solar and wind energy investments and the develop- ment of statewide building standards to re- duce energy consumption. Together, these policies were intended to advance technolo- gies that rely on alternative energy sources and reduce consumption of imported energy fuels.

[PDF] Federal Welfare Reform in California: A Review of the Family Support Act of 1988

The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is currently estimating the potential General Fund reve- nue effects of conforming state tax law to these changes in federal tax law. We recommend that the Legislature consider this issue as part of its an

[PDF] 1995-96 Budget Overview: Transportation and Resources

[i1' Transportation Planning and Development (TP&D) Account-$230 Million • Primary revenue sources include diesel sales tax and a portion of the sales tax on gasoline. • Funds are used mainly for mass transportation purposes.

[PDF] An Overview of the 1995-96 Analysis of the Budget Bill

An Overview of the 1995-96 Analysis of the Budget Bill State Revenue Effects of the Tax Reduction Proposal 1995-96 Thro h 1998-99 (In Billions) Personal Income Tax Continuation of high-income tax brackets after 1995 $0.3 $0.8 Phase-in of 15 percent tax cut -0.4 -1.5 Net effect (-$0.1) (-$0.7) Bank and Corporation