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[PDF] Nonreporting Entities’ Information Security Compliance

CDT Operates the State SOC and State Data Center. CDT operates the state SOC, which continuously monitors and reacts to threats on the California Government Enterprise Network (CGEN), the state government’s primary enterprise network.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: LOCAL ASSISTANCE

In exercising its authority over the adoption of state elementary texts the board relies heavily on the recommendations of the State Curriculum Commission. The duties of the commission are defined in the Education Code, Section 9303 as follows: "The State Curriculum Commission shall recommend to the State Board of Education,

[PDF] School Facilities. 55% Local Vote. Bonds, Taxes. Accountability Requirements.

State Funding Programs. Over the years, the state has provided a significant portion of the funding for K-12 facilities through the state school facilities program. Since 1986, voters have approved $15.5 billion in state bonds to support this program.

[PDF] Limiting government powers during a public health emergency.

Some of the major emergency powers provided in existing state law include:  Redirecting State Resources. The Governor can direct state agencies to use personnel, equipment, and facilities to respond to a declared emergency, including redirecting funding provided for other purposes to instead respond to the emergency.

[PDF] The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

For example, the state has borrowed $42 million through the issuance of CPs to fund the new headquarters' facility for the Franchise Tax Board. Up to $300 million in these instruments may also be used by the State Public Works Board to finance state prison construction projects.

[PDF] The No Urban Casino Act (version 1)

For instance: • The state has negotiated for specific annual payments by tribes to the state and local governments. • Urban casinos can also indirectly affect state and local government revenues in a variety of ways.

[PDF] Urban Tribal Casinos

For instance: • The state has negotiated for specific annual payments by tribes to the state and local governments. • Urban casinos can also indirectly affect state and local government revenues in a variety of ways.

[PDF] The Salary and Per Diem for Elected State Officers Reform Act

In addition, current statutory law allows the state to pay the travel and living expenses for all state employees (including elected officers) when employees travel on state business. These payments are generally referred to as “per diem.”

[PDF] Online signature gathering for initiative, referendum and recall petitions.

In any event, the one-time state and local costs to develop this new system likely would total in the millions of dollars or more. Ongoing Costs or Savings. Over time, after the development of the online petition system, the state and local government net costs or savings from this measure would depend on the system that the Secretary of State develops under this measure.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: Fuel Tax Rates

Roughly two-thirds of these revenues remain at the state level. Most of this funding supports state highway maintenance, rehabilitation, and improvements, with a smaller amount supporting state programs that fund both state-led and local-led highway and transit improvements.