Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Social Services Budget Background Materials

County welfare departments have the discretion to place children in (1) a foster family home, (2) a foster family agency home, or (3) a group home. Attached is a fi gure showing the possible pathways through these two programs.

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: Community Schools

Grants must be prioritized for applicants based on the following criteria: • Serve high-poverty schools where at least 80 percent of students are low income. • Demonstrate need for expanded access to integrated services. • Commit to partner in a consortium with other schools or county agencies. • Have committed matching funds for pupil services. • Have a plan for sustaining

[PDF] The 2021-22 Budget: Department of Justice

However, certain counties and cities benefit significantly more than others. Specifically, BFS effectively subsidizes agencies in 46 counties that generally do not use any of their own resources for criminal laboratory services. „ Local Governments Lack Incentive to Use BFS Services Cost-Effectively.

[PDF] The 2022-23 Budget: California Food Assistance Program

CalFresh Administration Is Funded by the State, Counties, and Federal Government. CalFresh is overseen at the state level by the Department of Social Services (DSS) and administered locally by county human services departments.

[PDF] Analysis of the Governor's Healthy Families Program Proposal

Beginning January 1, 2013, the remaining 43,000 HFP enrollees who live in a county without an existing Medi-Cal managed care plan would be transitioned into FFS Medi-Cal. Expansion of Medi-Cal Managed Care Into All 58 Counties.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Child Care

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Child Care 556 586 In fact, in eight Bay Area counties, the current reimbursement rate for license-exempt care providers is greater than the rate for the Title 5 providers. In 21 counties, the rate maximum for Title 22 centers is higher than the rate for Title 5 providers.

[PDF] CDPH’s Licensing and Certification of SNFs

The program is administered by CDPH in 14 regional districts, including Los Angeles County. CDPH contracts with Los Angeles County (Department of Public Health) to perform most L&C functions for health facilities in that county. „ L&C provides the following benefits to a health facility applicant: — A state license allows a health facility to

Revisiting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Insolvency [Publication Details]

Sep 30, 2016 - In this series of four online posts, we (1) examine the current condition of the UI trust fund and how it may change in the near future, (2) provide context on who pays UI taxes and how much they pay, (3) assess the extent to which the UI trust fund is prepared for the next economic downturn, and (4) look at potential steps the Legislature could take should it wish to increase reserves in the trust fund as a means to address the fiscal impacts of the next economic downturn.

The 2021-22 Spending Plan: Higher Education

Oct 11, 2021 - Trailer legislation authorizes DHCS to award these grants through a competitive process to higher education institutions, as well as other qualified entities (such as counties, health care service plans, community-based organizations, and behavioral health providers).

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Health

Two years after this date, December 31, 1965, crankcase devices will be required on used vehicles in all counties in the State with the exception of those counties where the board of super- visors vote to exempt used cars registered in that county :from this requirement.