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[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Code Commission

The Oonference of Oommissioners on Uniform State Laws has now completed and is recommending to the states for adoption a new Uniform Oommercial Oode revising and superseding other uniform laws already in effect in Oalifornia.


The $85,000 contributed by the State represents little more than 1 percent of the out- of-state sales. The State, therefore, is contributing an amount equalling little more than 1 percent of the recipient's out-of-state sales, which, in turn, approximate only 3 percent of the industry's yearly receipts.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Education

Their number is determined in the state plan that is incorporated in the contract with the Federal Government: 1. ~Ieals must be of a minimum nutritional requirement. 2. The costs of those meals must be furnished. 3.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: OFFICE OF FIRE MARSHAL

Two other important methods of financing subsequent injuries are (1) small percentage levies against insurance carriers and self-insurers based upon the amount of awards for permanent partial disability (four states), and (2) small percentage levies against carriers and self-insurers based upon total compensation payments or on premiums received (eight states) .

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Investment

We also recommend that a determination be made as to the practica- bility of conducting a survey of the subdivision situation in the State; . the survey to be made by an interim committee reporting its findings and recommendations to the 1953 Legislature, with a view to determin- ing the boundary of jurisdictions between the State and its political subdivisions;

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and ..V ocational Standards

Department of Professional and Vocational Standards BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL EXAMINERS ITEM 221 of the Budget Bill Budget page 681 Budget line No.7 For Support of Board of Architectural Examiners From the California State Board of Architectural Examiners Fund Amount requested ___________________________________________ .:._ Estimated to be expended in 1951-52 Fiscal Year __________________ _ Increase (2.5 percent) ________________________________________ _

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: HORSE RACING BOARD

Thereafter, it is expected that the state revenue from this source will be in line with annual experience at the rate of $150,000 to $200,000. Total state revenue from horse racing and the disposition of this reve- nue by fund for fiscal years from 1945-46 are shown in the following table: State Revenue From Horse Racing Total pari-mutuel pool

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Public Utilities Commission

This work is to be carried on in cooperation with other Moun- tain-Pacific State commissions and California shippers. Under the plan of financial settlement the cost of these positions, insofar as the studies relate to transportation of property, will be charged to the Transporta- tion Rate Fund.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: Department of Public Works

Encourage, foster, and assist in the development of aeronautics in the State. 2. Encourage the establishment of airports and air navigation facili- ties. 3. Cooperate with and assist the Federal Government, political sub- divisions of the State and others in the development of aeronautics, and coordinate the aeronautical activities of these bodies.

[PDF] 1952 Budget Analysis: COLORADO RIVER BOARD

Serious consideration should be given to reorganizing ir:to a single unit the various state agencies which are concerned with California's interest in water. The State's vital interest in this problem should not be jeopardized by the absence of a clear-cut state policy, emanating from a single agency fully accourrtable to the people.