Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The California Live Within Our Means Act (version 4)

Proposal This measure requires that a tax measure be subject to the two-thirds vote requirement if it results in a tax increase for any individual taxpayer—regardless of whether it raises or lowers aggregate taxes.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Portable Retirement Security Act of 2005

If much of the new retirement cost was offset in these ways, there would be a major impact on state personal income tax payments. This is because a large portion of compensation would shift from a taxable form (wages) to a tax-deferred form (retirement).

[PDF] Responsible Gaming, Population Segment Investment and Military Troop/Family Support

This measure amends the Constitution to allow Las Vegas-style gambling within a “gaming district” that would be established in San Bernardino County. The land for the district would be purchased by the state through eminent domain.

[PDF] The McCauley-Rooker Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act

The state also levies an estate tax payable upon death, equal to the amount of any available state tax credit allowed under the federal estate tax. Finally, residential and commercial property is subject to a general-purpose local ad valorem property tax rate of up to 1 percent annually, plus any additional tax for voter-approved indebtedness.

[PDF] California Marriage Protection Act (version 4)

(The law affects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 4)

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2005 Initiative Analysis: Voters' Right to Protect Marriage Initiative (version 8)

(The law af fects matters such as the receipt of federal benefits and federal taxes.) State Laws. The State Constitution currently does not define marriage. Under current California statute, only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Classroom Learning and Accountability Act, version 1

These audits are to be reviewed by the applicable county superintendent as well as the state superintendent and posted on all the applicable district, county, and state Web sites. Fiscal Effects We estimate that this measure would have the following fiscal impacts: Parcel Tax Revenue.

[PDF] The Thomas Lomax Taxpayers' Protection Act

Fiscal Effect of the Initiative Revenues The revenue effect of the child support-related portion of the initiative involving tax deductibility would be dependent upon several factors, such as the number of payers of child support that claim itemized deductions on their income taxes, the average marginal tax rate of these taxpayers, and the extent to which deductibility increases compliance with court-ordered child support.

[PDF] The California Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act. Amendment #1 .

Los Angeles County Law. In November 2012, voters in Los Angeles County approved a ballot measure (Measure B) requiring adult film producers to obtain a public health permit and comply with state occupation safety and health regulations.