Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Department of Pesticide Regulation: History, Programs, and LAO Issues

The County Agriculture Commissioners (CACs) work in concert with the department and are primarily responsible for permitting and enforcement. The CACs receive, by statute, revenues from 6 mills of the total mill assessment.

[PDF] Proposition 87 The Clean Alternative Energy Act

Costs to collect the severance tax are excluded from this cap on administrative costs. In addition, there will likely be minor costs to local property tax assessors in oil producing counties to cover increased assessment activity.

[PDF] Social Services Budget Background Materials

County welfare departments have the discretion to place children in (1) a foster family home, (2) a foster family agency home, or (3) a group home. Attached is a fi gure showing the possible pathways through these two programs.

[PDF] In-Home Supportive Services: Background and Caseload Components

County Wage Range. Although the state currently partici- pates in wages and benefi ts up to $12.10 per hour, combined county wages and benefi ts as of January 2009 ranged from $8 to $14.68 per hour. Provider/Consumer Relationship.

[PDF] Overview of Recent Changes in the In-Home Supportive Services Program

In consultation with county welfare de- partments and stakeholders, DSS will develop protocols for the implementation of mailings to providers to convey pro- gram integrity concerns.  Unannounced Home Visits.

[PDF] Approach to the 2011-12 In-Home Supportive Services Budget

 How will county social workers review the supplemental care applications?  What are the administrative costs to ensure that counties are able to review supplemental care applications and make timely decisions?

[PDF] Budget Reserves and Debt Repayments Under Proposition 2

Constitutional deposits continue until BSA has reached maximum size—10 percent of General Fund taxes. Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties (SFEU) (Traditional Reserve) State’s traditional discretionary reserve.

[PDF] MOU Fiscal Analysis: Bargaining Unit 13

Proposed Unit 13 MOU—Health Benefi ts 9L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E May 19, 2014 LAO 70 YEARS OF SERVICE  Meal and Lodging Expenses. State employees may be reimbursed for specifi ed costs related to travel and other business expenses.

[PDF] Why Aren't Revenue Esitmates More Accurate?

.:,) 5.1% 5.4% 5.2% 5.O'h 4.8% 4.9% Private housinQ starts (mill ion5 of-units) 1.78 (-8.0%) 2.10 (-12.5%) 2.10 (-11.0%) 2.20 (-6.n~) 2.08 (-11.6%) 2.04 (-13.2%) AutmDbile sa lrs (Hlill ions NA NA NA NA 11.8 (7.8%) 11.4 (4.4%) of units) Before-tax corporate profits $106.2 (9.8%) $100.5 (11.3%) $107.5 (13.9%) $114.5 (21.4%) $125.9 (28.5%) $125.6 (24.9%) (billions $) B.